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Intriguing! Whatever can it be?

but please, don't forget that we always see a picture through our own eyes

We each see a unique picture of reality. 2 random people looking at the same thing can have quite different perceptions of their reality of it.

I can see how this would weigh on you. It's hard to not want to help people who are suffering and I think most everyone suffers one way or another. I think we do what we can while also taking care of ourselves. Whether you're a "hippie dippie self righteous cunt" or you have to live with neurofibromatosis we're all just doing our best with what we got to seek a happy balance in life. As an outsider trying to help another, I think the philosophy about taking care of yourself first and foremost is the key. Help when you can as much as you can but don't cross over into a place where it's now hurting you. It's much easier to feel good about that when you know there are plenty of others out there to take over when you're spent. But we don't work that way in this world quite yet.

Sometimes just talking to someone who will listen can do wonders for people who need that. Just know that you did what most people wouldn't :)

Very interesting that you mention neurofibromatosis, as the individual in question later revealed that is a condition he/she has...

Curious if you dug through my comments to find that - if you happen to be the same person with split accounts - or just a "coincidence." Any way it goes, rather intriguing...

I was curious about the person so I dug a little. I have to admit I was a little concerned with the fact that you mentioned this person so openly with everything being so public around here but then I suppose the person you were talking to is aware of this! I hope you don't mind. I get caught up in trying to help people and can easily push myself over my limit. I guess I just wanted a little more context. (p.s. I left another comment connected to mine but don't know if you'll see it unless I say something - "Sometimes just talking to someone who will listen can do wonders for people who need that. Just know that you did what most people wouldn't :)"

Ah k. Well, I didn't single anyone out directly and definitely wouldn't have if they had not been hiding behind a psuedo-identity. And yes - transparency is part of the game here...

Excellent Publication !!!

Wow this is very well written. May they find some inspiration soon! My philosophy is to continue to better myself each day. Breathing and accepting who you are is a major step. Being goal driven is key. Things don't happen overnight. Change takes time. Godspeed

Thanks @rok-sivante for sharing with us. I will ask the Lord to bless the journey which I undertake, that it may profit the health of my soul and body.

thank you for sharing

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It looks very beautiful, I like it very much.

Beautiful photos ^_^ the art here is amazing

I often feel similar to you, knowing that I can have positive affects on so many people. And then also feeling responsible for all the people that I don't reach, but could if I just put out a little more effort. Yet therein lies the problem, as this road leads down making myself God, as if all the world depended on me.

I'm actually one that feels very responsible for how others are affected by me, to the point of neurosis. And I can see myself without compassion, as if I should be able to do anything and everything.

I think you're right on with the conclusion you came to in your last paragraph:

Sometimes we can't know. Only do to the best of our ability for the time being, further cultivating and exercising the discernment and wisdom to respond as most appropriate to best serve each individual's needs in the moment as they are presented to us.

Isn't that all we can do? Give it our best and learn from both our successes and failures? It's fun to learn from your success, but I think we learn even more from our failure.

I admire how much you care for others, the way you can empathize with people in need. This is a strength, but also know you are finite and can only give so much.

I'll leave you with the first two Steps from Alcoholics Anonymous, as even though you aren't an alcoholic, the principles are powerful and applicable here:

  • We admitted that we were powerless - that our lives had become unmanageable.
  • We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Well-stated. Accurate reflections...

Sometimes it can be really difficult to know weather to step in or to stand back. Sometimes the attempt to help just makes thing worse for the person. Sometimes you really want to help, but you are unable to do so, for whatever reason. 2 years ago, a friend of mine jumped off a bridge to her death, and there was nothing I could have ever done for her that would have changed that outcome. Sometimes, it just isn't possible to help someone.

Deep reflections there @rok-sivante, just note that the passion you have on the inside to see the project succeed is there for a reason -To give answers to questions that both you and the people who it would help have. You can't help everyone, who says you should? But keep at it, so at least that technology would help SOMEONE. Once that is achieved, then you can be assured that you've made a mark, one that many after you will live to remember.


May I ask what project you are working on?

The story you have written of here definitely resonates with me. Something I have noticed is people need to WANT to be helped, and truly do within their core. All we can assume responsibility is for ourselves, and make sure our contributions to this world are of constructive value rather than destructive.

Through much suffering (even to the point of breaking) we as humans can grow exponentially. At the end, we are all on this journey through this particular life for whatever purpose it may be and as long as we follow our intuition and hearts, we'll remain on the right track.

Best wishes with your project!

Oh, & nice avatar :)

still challenging to summarize, as the scope is pretty massive...

in essence, a new human OS - quantum-cloud-based memory storage & processing - programmable apps for the human mind - developmental access to 8 levels of senses and abilities from deeper connection with one’s own and others’ bodies, to linking into group/entity & genetic networks, accessing the architecture and rulesets governing reality, consciousness travel through time & space, and exploration of new dimensions of reality through atomic consciousness...

ya know, the usual weekend science project. lol. ;-)

Haha, sounds like an average day in my mind with ideas like that.

It does sound broad but I guess it would be difficult to explain in one short post & through Steemit.

Interested to hear a more detailed report of it. Sounds like something I'd be interested in.

follow me for updates, as I'll definitely be sharing more condensed, specific info as it comes out... ;-)

Haha, I'll keep my eyes peeled!

my mere mortal words are just dust ...but I can totally relate to what you are expressing.

nice article, but karma would be better if you credited the artist. or better yet sent some steem their way.

Good catch. I just found and snagged quick on Google Images - appreciate the check and updated with credit. Cheers. 🙏

Lead by example, mental illness is the natural outcome of living in a world that does not cherish natural law. It is equal to enjoying a spring day within a dark room, we are where we find aurselves, there could be others in the same room, but anytime anyone finds the door and cracks it open, everyone shreeks from light sensitivity. Until one day someone gets tired of enjoying this spring day within this darkroom and knocks the door off the god dam hidges with a swift kick! Then everyone freaks out covering their eyes thinking their little world has ended, blinded and affraid they wait for the end. But behold, five minutes later, their eyes adjust to the light, a few of the bold even venture out of the room to perceive for the first time, a sunny beautiful verdant spring day. Then when they have all emerged into this new light, they speak of what a great idea it was to break the door and that they wish it would have been done sooner so as to not have spent so much time in their previous darkness. We all find comfort in darkness, as what is tried and found true, soothes insecurity. However one candle, will illuminate an entire room, just as aur sun provides many spring days throughout aur lives. Wait for when another's hand is open, then give them a candle, light it with yours so they will move on and do the same. Until then break the hinges off every fucking door ye find, for there is no mind, no time and no fear. May all beings find their awn true light. The law of ignorance states, those who choose to not awaken will not no matter what transpires, but we each have the opportunity to find true light within thee darknes of self and when that final door falls, we all turn and brave the darkness again to help others out.

you had me at "mental illness is the natural outcome of living in a world that does not cherish natural law..."

and the rest... by God, you are on point. WELL-stated.

Oddly enough, I stumbled through a similar incident today.

Following a trail of post replies and comments I came across someones blog whose photos I found to evoke a very powerful and intense feeling of loneliness and isolation.

I debated whether or not to intrude and ended up saying, "I don't know how to say this without it sounding contrived or weird. But, I love you as a human being."

I thought at the very least, some stranger somewhere on the other side of the planet gives a shit & maybe that helps.

Then I felt weird.

It's not something I'd normally do, ordinarily I'd just make a note to myself that, she's got some serious issues and go about my business.

I'm still trying to figure out, well, literally how to feel about it.

I appreciate you continuing to finish this comment, in regards to what you'd written on the other one...

Personally, I'd say DO IT.

Sounds as though you had the urge, but held back due to overthinking.

Following through on the impulse would jave discharged it rather than backing up into confusion - and if it had any impact at all, it might have been a small warm ray of sunshine that nurtured something within them. Mighta been a shitty missed opportunity, even if tiny. Or mighta not amounted to much of anything at all, but at least would't be dwelling on the indecision...

just one perspective.


I actually did hit post.

It wasn't until after the replies went dead that I started to question it.

I'm used to writing 5 or 6 versions of something so I can vent for a while before I send something even resembling a diplomatic message and this was out of the ordinary, and a little uncomfortable.

Baby steps.

nice Post, im new here. could somebody follow my Storys @nelke2010