Training the Mind and Use of the Free Will

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Spiritual Will (aka true free will)

Being able to expand ourselves depends on our free will and having comprehension of what free will really is. The most important use of the Will is to keep the mind on higher things. Most humans think the Will is a power we use when making choices between alternatives, but in reality our brains unconsciously choose the alternative that previous experience tells us is the more attractive or pleasurable choice, or a choice that has worked in the past. When spiritual Will is deterred or hampered in its tasks, emotions are far more likely to take over and this can lead to lack of self control making it easier to be controlled by environment or an outside force. Be it another human or circumstance or even your own feelings.

This loss of control is obvious when flying into a rage or even when repressing the emotions (from fear of really snapping if they are loosed) but loss of control of the mind is harder to see in oneself. when one loses control of the mind, which is simply a tool of the soul, the mind throws out all information and data that do not conform to its preconceptions. It will also refuse to take in new data that does not conform to previous perception.

The aim, then, is to control and use the mind rather than be used and controlled by it. by the same token, the imagination must be under control as well and not allowed to run riot and wreak havoc in the mind. This can create all kinds of emotions and then it will turn into a never ending circle, a ball of confusion.

The basic premise of gaining control of the mind is achieving attention span, lengthening your ability to focus and concentrate and keep on one small area of attention. This is the problem for most people, so they will be rendered ineffective, the inability to attention and focus leads to inability to control your own mind, and that is certainly what "they" want because that makes us much easier to control and just think we have free will. One must be vigilant in controlling what flies into the subconscious under the radar of the conscious mind.

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nice post

thank you @ccrystal :) you can find techniques on how to train the mind in some of my older posts if you are interested:)