in life •  8 years ago 


Hi steemers.
I was sitting here wondering what to do with my time as at the moment i cant sleep, so i thought some of my steem friends may be interested in checking out one of my carvings, i retired from my job 5 years ago and as most working people are we get lost and look for something to do, !!RIGHT!! so after 2 years of just sitting around my friend talked my into carving,

He set up a class with a world class carver and i started, well dont you know it was fun hard at first but fun, the picture is of the red cardinal that i just recently finished it took about 3.5 months to complete but i am happy with the finished job.
Everything you see including the grass and the sunflower seeds are made by my old hands with exception of the eyes i bought them,

I have done other carvings which i will post another time, apart from all the enjoyment i get from doing it it is very relaxing,
The place i attend there are just 5 of us including the instructor and we all chew the fat whilst we carv, so if you are retired or not this is a great hobby to start, i hope you enjoy the picture thank you

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Colin, nice post, however your picture didn't show up.

I know so i gave up for tonight