"Remember that the happiest people are not those who received more, but those who give more."
The first essential step to happiness is to stop wanting so many things. This will help you greatly to feel more happy with what you have and allow you to avoid frustration for not getting all the material desires that you have throughout life. The second step is to realize that a large part of happiness is in giving unconditionally. In fact helping others will further strengthen your happiness.
"We tend to forget that happiness does not come as a result of getting something we do not have, but of recognizing and appreciating what we have."
Cultivating gratitude for what you have is an important milestone for happiness. It will help you to realize how beautiful your life is as it is at this moment what will greatly increase your happiness.
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so close to the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. "
We can not prevent certain doors from closing and never opening again. However, wasting your time in front of these doors complaining about the fact that they have closed will not take you anywhere, this prevents you from seeing the new opportunities that are being presented to you in your life.