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The part that you can vote and comment without having to wait is really useful even if in the first sight don't seem too much. Also, the other thing that you can exclude the resteems with just a click is actually pretty damn awesome!

Do you know if it keeps any percentage of the payout if you write a post through it?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Hi, no @steempeak don’t take a percentage on your post... it’s totally free ;)

that's awesome then!

i'm beginning to like @steempeak more and more :)

yes it's those little things that make a difference!

i'm not sure about the % because usually i use esteem to upload (esteem takes a % i think).
i hate how so many apps don't mention anything about taking a cut..
it's flatout stealing actually..

Esteem takes 15% beneficiaries.

they still do decent curating so i guess i'm still ok, but shit like that should be mentioned in all the front pages in the biggest font.
it's funny how they all try to hide it.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Nope they don't hide it. Not their obligation to mention on the main page.

P/s: they stopped upvoting me, been a few posts keep on eating into my reward. No choice but to switch. Either they don't like travel blog or I pissed someone off without realizing.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

ok i guess i've just been lazy to look πŸ˜†
i dunno how big their curation team is, but maybe it's worthwhile to ask.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Watched the video and loved it.


  • Interesting to know how big of a feature the dark mode is for some people.
  • Yes waiting on votes is 3 seconds
    I think some other browsers have seen how easy it is and started to do a queue

Yes i understand the frustration with the back button and loosing your place, i've experienced that many times... that's something we need to get fixed. Also take a look at the "expand" option for now.
But you showed a good example of it for the developer @asgarth to take a look at.

wow i appreciate you coming here! πŸ‘
yes to me the dark theme is super important because my eyes are sensitive.
i plan to make more videos. maybe steempeak vs esteem since they're 2 of my favorites.
i also like saved topics/users. these little things make all the difference!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Awesome... well join the discord and let us know if there's anything else you're hoping for or if you find any errors on dark mode.

i was already on the channel weeks ago! :)
usually i just read and not really speak.
maybe i'll start talking soon πŸ‘

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

haha cool! You're one step ahead of the game!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

as a photographer i like the option to browse photos without opening the post.
dashboard is interesting. there is lots of interesting statistics, you can bookmark posts, there is an option to schedule posts and you can make templates for your posts.
And if you have an idea and it is possible to implement, just go discord to share it, if it is not to complicated they add it really quick.

yes there's a ton of stuff i didn't talk about! :) i only mentioned a few things that i like personally.
i'm on their discord channel but i'm too lazy to speak out over there. maybe i will later πŸ‘

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

hi bro

γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ yo dude

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

nan young u rul mot hea
jo cat da
uoung u jal hea su

읽.κΈ°.μ‘Έ.라.힘.λ“€.λ‹€. γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thanks for a comprehensive review of these 2 interfaces. Night mode aside (I should use it more my eyes are hurting) The empty space looks more purposeful on Steempeaks than busy. I wrote about the annoyance of not being able to toggle resteems of not so long ago. Cool to see Steempeaks allows this. Great video, resteemed!

thanks for the resteem :)
it's those little things that make steempeak one of my favorites! i hope to see more cool stuff on the steem blockchain πŸ‘

This is a great video and really simple @roundbeargames. You keep the "end users" in mind. I get slowed down trying to perform basic functions on Steemit that Steempeak can do quicker. But the question is then why didn't you add the #steempeak tag? @steempeak should really give you an upvote at least.

i took your advise and decided to add the tag. i'm not looking for upvotes tho :) but trying out new tags is usually good.
yes those basic functions that steempeak supports is really what makes it awesome.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Well our personal accounts have much bigger upvotes anyway... but the tag does help us find the posts and answering questions and seeing which features are people's favorites. :)

yes it's awesome you're trying to find out what people like πŸ‘

I will try it out when I have time.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

I'm going to give steampeaks a try! Thanks for the informative video. I gave oneplace a go but the last time I checked it out, it was lacking in some respects like rep score was missing.

cool another interface i haven't heard of! except i don't think it's working.
but thanks for the info :)
gotta try out different ones!

Yes - More choices are always great.. I tried oneplace after leaving a comment here, and then again this morning and it does seem to be down. There were some really good points they were giving attention to from a curation point of view.

wrt steempeaks - does the favorite topic and favorite user feature work yet? I wasn't able to figure out how to use it (add a topic to the list).


i didn't know about it until you mentioned it!
you can click on the little star icons and the topic/tag gets saved on your right panel. same thing with people's account names.

Yes, when we put lot efforts on one particular platform then we expect some changes, and in my opinion Steemit Website, still lack important updates which is fulfilling by the Third Parties, so it's really important for the Steemit to include all needed updates to the site.

And we saw that many new platforms are born which gives more amazing results for sure, and in my opinion in future we can see more platforms which will enter with more unique ideas and developments.

Keep up your great work. πŸ™‚

yes steemit lacks a lotta things! i think they should have the humility to focus on bigger things, step back, and let people figure it out. i highly doubt it's gonna happen but clearly i wanna see more creative shit on the steem blockchain.

Yes, door for creativity always open on the Steem Blockchain.

Am a big fan of esteem, I will try check on and see what it entails @roundbeargames

yes it's one of the major interfaces. i'd love to see esteem or any other to start beating steemit. just for the sake of decentralization πŸ˜ƒ

Important and very useful information @roundbeargames πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

I'll study it
hopefully i can use it

Thanks for the information @roundbeargames

all you need is steemconnect, it should be straightforward :)

So much in steemit that uses steempeak, but I do not really understand, maybe it should be learned first, by the way thank you for the information, oh yes I ask permission again to take your photo I was trying to join the contest held by stemian from Aceh , about idols in steemit, I know maybe you do not like the word idol, but please ya permitπŸ˜ŠπŸ™

yes i remember i said you can use my photos :)
i dunno what's going on over there but whatever i upload is out of my control now.

Thks ... 😊I've used it just to join the contest only

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Busy shows some things that the page itself does not show. You can even give Reesteem later to a post with more than 7 days, there are notifications and it is easier to style the posts. However, I got used to the original page haha. Steempack I have not used it.

only if busy had a dark theme mode, i might like it way more than i do now 😎
my eyes are sensitive..

thanks for sharing this dear @roundbeargames , with your blog we'll also have an idea what to look for in a good steem related browser πŸ‘β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

well thanks for comin! :)
those are my personal choices. you should definitely try different ones yourself πŸ‘

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I have not used Steempack, I'll try to see how it is..!

it's good. i recommend you try it. you should try other interfaces as well and see what you like :)

First time I hear about from you @rounbeargames Oppa. And I interesting to try it.

Thanks for sharing it

Posted using Partiko Android

Wah mba Dwii punya oppa πŸ˜‚

Posted using Partiko Android


me no understand

Buena informaciΓ³n amigo @roundbeargames , deseo que tenga un buen dΓ­a .

have a good day amigo :)

I think it's an excellent idea to explain one by one with details as you do in this video. Steempeak has several interesting aspects πŸ‘

yes they have a lot more features than what i mentioned :) i only talked about the stuff that i like personally.

gracias amigo por compartir esta informacion tan importante que no sabia,saludos y feliz dia

thanks amigo

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

That's new, so many to choose from right now... and I haven't even started using esteem's app yet... haha

haha yes there's a lot of choices. don't worry start with one, you'll start finding out other cool stuff too :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I guess because I posted mostly about my drawing, so I'm used to the desktop rather than mobile so app are not really appealing to me, yet... hahaha

Will take up your advise though, thanks!

yes i use my pc most of the time too. steem doesn't really have a killer mobile app yet. esteem is kinda getting there but i think there's still some work to be done.
but i was surprised to find out that some of my followers use only their phones when they're on steem.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

I know right, some I know too only uses phone, I absoluty salute them!

I tried a post using #esteem yesterday, took me a longer time as I need to tranfer things here and there but I made it. Yay!!

A shoutout to them - I made it!!!!! Hahaha

yes my fingers are too fat for phones. i use tablets sometimes. i just don't like doing things on my phone. the letters are too small it hurts my eyes too

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

LOL, I hear you! More typo than using a keyboard... and I like big screen!!

I've heard it, but have never tried. One day I will try. 😊😊

try them all :) there's a lot more stuff than what i talked about

Yes, I think so too. It seems there are still many things I have not known here. Maybe more fun, I'll try it soon. 😊

one pride can get acquainted with you. a steemian who is widely idolized in Indonesia

haha i wouldn't say 'widely' or 'idolized' but thanks :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Nice video

pls stop botting

My favorite browser eSteem, i will try steempeak tomorrow.

pls upload your own content/photos/videos so i know you're human

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

vidio very cool, surely those who watch the same like who have this vidio, like your friend behave like cute, want to be friends with me, always there for steemian friends, @roundbeargames, β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘πŸ‘Š


Buenas noche amigo lo felicito por esa informaciΓ³n que no has publicado no lo sabΓ­a. Muchas gracias por su apoyo. Saludos amigo

thanks good evening to you too

Like him I should try Steempeak ,, what Steempeak has the advantages @rounbeargames.. because i only use eSteem .. 😊

yes esteem is one of the major browsers out there. maybe because the tag is quite well curated and it works in your phone as an app? if they had a web based version it might be my only choice.

Maybe I should also try a web-based one like you, sometimes a lot of apps on the phone, making the phone just like having a problem .. 😊

i just like web-based ones because i'm used to it. but looks like a lot of people like using their phones for steem. i use my pc 99% of the time.

My home also has a pc but his pc is only used for the contents of Playstation games jd I never use it .. 😊
Simple his phone can be brought anywhere ,, so I can post on eSteem wherever I want and my husband does not disturb me .. 😁😁

lol that's nice. good to see that phones are liberating more and more people :)

gracia amigo por compartir este vΓ­deo muy interesante

thanks amigo

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I did not know before steempeak. I was always busy or posting with I got to know steempeak from your work today.
Thanks, friends, I will try it.

i'm sure there's more that i'm not aware of. try them out and see if you like any of them :)

I see you are comfortable in this video. Because you already orbiting some videos before.

hopefully get success @roundbeargames

haha thanks i should be making more videos :)

Buenos dΓ­as amigo espero que se encuentre bien saludos desde la isla de Margarita- Venezuela. Muchas gracias por su apoyo. Que tengas feliz dia

I often used Busy also, but I never try steempeak yet.
Thanks for sharing your experienced @roundbeargamers.
I'm gonna use it another time

yes try them all out i'd say :) people have different opinions.
thanks for coming btw!

Thanks advised it.
I'm glad coming and get more knowledge here😊

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I know busy , but steempeak .com is new for me.i do not know this. First i got known by read your post. Thank friend for your valuable post

yes i'm guessing steempeak is new to a lot of people. it's still a good interface imo

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Yep we certainly spend more time making awesome features than we do marketing. haha
But thanks to you all you're helping out in that department. :)

Thank you friend for sharing that video, be interesting to all of them, I really like your publications, soyfiel, follower of yours, steemit.

thanks :)

I have been using busy for months but after watching your video, I am eager to try steempeak

yes busy's good too. anything's better than steemit! :)

Hmmm never heard of this but it sounds interesting so I might check it.

definitely should try all the other ones too! πŸ‘
most of them are already better than steemit

Good video.. Amazing

thank you

guys, i've done a review of steempeak, is my last Digest . A few issues, but hopefully more people will use it.

the post itself is not about steempeak tho. maybe there's too many topics

Thanks to @trumanity for helping me find steempeak. I really like it for so much functionality of managing my account and reading others. I still prefer Busy for posting simply because they give an upvote when you post through them. Some other platforms sometimes do too. It seems steampeak doesn't, so unless I'm using their feature to schedule for later, which is great, I'll probably keep posting from Busy. But so glad to find all the other great features and will be teaching new users I help onto the platform to definitely start with steempeak as their UI.

yes those incentives are huge. esteem also has a curation team, so those things add up.
maybe steempeak isn't big enough yet, but i know it deserves a lot more attention! πŸ˜ƒ

I am a robot. I come to make an upvote. I don't have a dark theme, but I do have a dark side.😈

the the darkseid!

Clever boy!

Buenos dΓ­as amigo gracias por tu apoyo. Mil bendiciones. Saludos desde Venezuela

Gracias @roundbeargames por ayudarnos a entender como funcionan y como deberian funcionar los dapps entre el Blockchain

well i only talked about the stuff that i like :) but you should try out different apps yourself πŸ‘

Gracias @roundbeargames vamos a intentar con las apps que nos indicas

Sweet, thanks for the support @roundbeargames