RE: Do We Perceive Time as Moving Faster, the Older We Become?

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Do We Perceive Time as Moving Faster, the Older We Become?

in life •  8 years ago 

Time is our most valuable asset, maybe that's why it goes so quick, just like it takes us 2 mins to spend what takes us a whole day to work for, for example. When I was working a 9-5 type job/real job it felt like my life was pointlessly passing by and all my time and energy felt wasted, and when you start to think of your life like an hourglass it becomes a scary thing for lots of different reasons. But I guess the reason we perceive time travelling faster is that eveything slows down when you're older its like life goes in to reverse, but it helps you to realise the importance of your time in life and not to waste it on stupid things. Also talking from a personal level of seeing loved ones on their death beds, realising how important it is to ''make time'' for family. Life is precious and we need to truly appreciate it and those around us. Enjoyed reading your post. Thanks :)

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