I like people who understands the type who aren't quick to judge you. You can vent to them, and labeling on their mind. They don't believe rumors because they know there are two sides to every story. They give you chance, before they judge you. They get to know who you really are, they have an opinion. I like those type of people. the real people.
Sometimes, people can be extraordinarily judgmental and closed minded to anyone different or special, which is why it's so hard for young people in this day and age to be comfortable enough in their own skin to not listen to the people picking on them.
Before judge my life, my character or my past first let me tell you
Walk in with my shoes, walk the path which I have walked and traveled, live in to my double troubles and in my pain which I have faced. Remember everyone has a story when you can live someones life then only you have right to judge anyone's life.
Before you assume learn the facts, before you judge understand why before you hurt someone feel before you speak and thin before it again.
No one has the right to judge you, because no one really knows what you have been through. They might have heard the stories, but they didn't feel what you felt in your heart.