I QUIT my job and REINVENTED myself!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is my story. I hope it inspires you to get out there and change your life!

The story that takes me from feeling miserable in my daily routine and a job I literally hated, to being self-employed, happy, looking forward for the next day to dawn.
From dreading the moment I got to the office with pain in my stomach, to choosing when and where to show up for work.

I studied Telecommunications and Management in Greece and graduated in 2006, feels like a hundred years ago already.
I've always been into sports, used to be a gymnastics athlete and a ballet dancer for many years.

But since I don't come from a wealthy family, naturally, pursuing my real dreams wasn't an option so I had to study towards a socially accepted, well-paid profession.

Nevertheless back then I had no idea what the Law of Attraction was or how important it is to find your OWN purpose in life and that when you do, everything else falls into place as well.
So I studied for 4 years and received my Bachelor's degree and right away I got a job in IT.
The first few years were very constructive, I liked what I did.

My position, title and income made me feel important and SMART.
Seems like I needed a job to make me feel smart and important back then.

We grow out of these things usually.
So as I was saying, my job was important enough, my family was proud of me and my parents were able to brag about their intelligent, well-paid daughter.
4-5 years later, I obviously had had my taste of all that and I started realizing how futile the things I had were.
I wasn't happy, I wasn't growing as a person, I was not in a relationship that made me happy, I didn't get along with my parents, I didn't have enough time to myself and I wasn't healthy.
But I had money and "recognition".

Where I used to work - Summer 2009

It took me no time to start hating my job after this realization. And it's not like I was forced to be there.
It was clearly my choice alone.
I was subconsciously angry at myself for not having the courage to quit.
I wanted to.
But I was telling myself that I couldn't.
I could hear my parents' voices in my head arguing my decision to quit.
Imaginary dialogues...
And more years passed by, and I became so bad at what I was doing.
I was thriving at other activities I took on that I really loved, like dancing and singing in a band.
But every day I showed up at work I was irresponsible, procrastinating, unreliable, angry and difficult to deal with.
And after 7 years I had actually started to believe that all the above are my true qualities. And that made me feel so bad, like I was a bad person. Not good at anything. And even though I knew I was smart and caring and helpful and positive, doing the wrong thing for a living almost changed the way I looked at myself for good.
BUT I was determined to not let that happen.

Where I work now

So I started taking therapy, which is the best thing I've ever done.
It took me a couple of years to figure things out, to trace and solve my parent issues (had to work very hard for that to happen and of course this is always work in progress) and to realize that I'm not bad at what I do...
I just wasn't meant to do what do.
I realized I need to be able to work outdoors. And I need to do something that helps others.
So I created a Dreamboard.
And on it I wrote:

  1. I want to study Yoga in India
  2. I want to live in California for a while
  3. I want to meet a man with whom I will experience companionship.
    The real thing, no holding back, no fear.

Graduation day

So in 2014 I used all my paid leave, and some unpaid leave too and I traveled to Mumbai, where I stayed and studied Yoga for 5 weeks. I received my first Yoga certification from The Yoga Institute, the oldest registered Yoga school in the world.

I met many wonderful people and was taught by very inspirational teachers and...
Without knowing at the time that the Law of Attraction was already working its magic, I also met my better half.
Did I mention he is from CA?
This world is crazy!
But it very much makes sense too.
Well this has been my life for the past 11 years or so.
And the rest is history.
I kept my job for another year and a half and together we planned our next steps.
In 2016 we moved to Los Angeles and every day ever since I thank the universe for guiding me and also myself for listening to the true voice in my head and for finding my purpose.
I can't tell you what to do and how to find the way, but if you listen all the answers are there.
That's what I have learned in my life so far.
Life is too short to waste, LIFE is too long to live it according to what others think or it and of you!
I can only share my story in hope that it will ignite something in you and make you pursue your dreams!
Thank you for reading.



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Hello friends this is @Sahana-yoga! This is an OLD POST reposted by mistake!
I was editing it to copy the code for the Instagram link and when I saved it it wasn't saved but reposted anew!

Hi there, thanks for commenting on my post , so I could notice you and read this very inspiring post . I love this one - 'Life is too short to waste, LIFE is too long to live it according to what others think or it and of you'! And about the Law of Attraction, I must secretly share I'm also opening for this understanding and 'listening' to space and myself in it. Nice to meet you, I will gladly see more of your posts.

I'm glad you liked the post and of course that you took the time to read it :-)
Let's get as inspired as possible. I have been using the law of attraction for a few years now and it's the only way I know to make things happen. I also glad you've discovered it too.
I'll be seeing you around girl <3