Silence is sometimes enough to keep calm, balance and peace. Just a short moment away from noise and endless conversations and suddenly our brain starts to work at another level. Thus, as various studies emerge, people also need silence to create new connections and brain cells.
The subject is undoubtedly very interesting. Everyone, however, knows that enjoying a chosen silence is a great act of therapeutic power. We call it iştir selected çık because different experiments have shown that when people are exposed to complete isolation and silence for days or weeks, negative effects will occur.
Five minutes of silence how does it affect the brain?
Let's look at the question of how silence affects the brain. We are social people and we need interactions and environments full of stimuli to live and grow. Now, as we need dialogue, music and social-full experiences, our brains also revitalize moments of silence. This is not a whim; is a physiological seal such as eating or sleeping.
In fact, we can say that almost silence should be part of one of the most basic levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Five minutes of silence and your brain is changing
In fact, can only five minutes of silence benefit this much? The truth is, we don't just say it lightly. A study published in the journal ır Brain, Structure and Function Yapı reveals this fact. Neuroscience in the silent period of noise is increasingly attracting more weight and interest to the point where tourism is directed to facilitate contact with this dimension.
The famous bir silence retreats in is a region with a suitable environment for us to fully embrace the silence of countries like Finland and other places. However, we should apply a logic before moving with holiday ideas. It is not necessary to travel around the world to provide some peace for our brain.
Silence helps improve new brain cells
We live in a world saturated with noise. Television plays with our favorite artists walking on the streets, walking in the traffic, chats, stores and supermarkets in the background.
Now, if you enjoy a complete silence for five minutes a day, a few things will happen. One is the development of new cells in the hippocampus. This brain space is related to our memory and emotions. The second thing that should happen is that these cells allow us to think more clearly and better connect to our environment and ourselves.
Improves our sensitivity and empathy
This is a really interesting subject. As we already know, our brain has a lot of areas related to sensitivity and empathy. One of these areas is the right superior colliculus. If this area is damaged, our empathy is reduced. We're also slower when we make decisions and show less interest in things around us.
Enjoying peaceful moments or just five minutes of silence every day improves the functionality of the right superior colliculus. As a result, silence increases the brain's ability to feel empathy and become more exciting.