How to Be Productive

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)


Avoid multitasking :
Multitasking leads to distracting brain work and reducing focus on each task.

Get enough sleep :
Sleep helps to enhance the performance of tasks in a more productive and effective way. Certainly, a person does not have as much productivity if he does not sleep more than 5 hours a day during the night

Exercise :
Exercising sports such as long-distance biking, walking, etc. can make a person more disciplined and accomplished

Identify the best times to work :
Working times can be scheduled and different duties are performed based on the times when the person is more productive

Accept criticism :
A person must benefit from the criticisms directed at him to be productive and useful in life

Avoid technological distractions :
There are many technological ways of communication nowadays, such as e-mails, the media and social media. These can become a major waste of time if used in an unorganized manner

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