Damage The green tea

in life •  6 years ago 

Green tea Sometimes drinking green tea is more likely to break your daily routine than drinking black or red tea. Because of the frequent hearing and reading about green tea and its health benefits, it is easy to prepare and tastes good. What is the difference between green tea and others? There are three types of tea that are prepared from Camellia sinesis leaves: green tea, oolong tea, red and black tea. The difference between these three types is by oxidation and fermentation, where green tea is prepared by evaporation and drying only before The tea leaves are oxidized, while the oolong tea is oxidized and fermented partially. The red tea leaves are exposed to fermentation or full oxidation, so green tea leaves retain all the antioxidant compounds and retain the highest degree of health benefits. Of the human being, [1] is therefore considered a favorite drink to drink black tea. Green tea, which is consumed all over the world, is produced mainly in China and Japan. [1] Several species vary depending on where they were grown, some simple differences in harvest method, differences in the air condition of the area in which they were planted, Some other factors. [2] Green Tea Disadvantages Causes of harmful green tea intake frequently The harm caused by eating large amounts of green tea is attributed to three components: Caffeine: Although the caffeine content of green tea is not high in the level of red tea , black or coffee, but eating too large amounts of the amount of caffeine consumed to the degree that may be toxic. [1] , [3] Aluminum: Studies have found that the accumulation of aluminum in the body has damage and toxicity, and causes many neurological diseases, and found that the tea plant contains this element of metal, and can cause frequent absorption of aluminum in the body, especially if there are kidney problems. [1] , [3] Polyphenols, which are linked to minerals such as iron and calcium. [1] , [4] Green tea damage and symptoms of toxicity Green tea is generally a safe food for adults if taken in moderate amounts that are normal in the human diet, but eating or consuming its extracts in large amounts can be unsafe, and can cause side effects ranging from simple to severe and dangerous depending on the amount of consumption , where these effects include headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, and cardiac arrhythmia , heartburn, dizziness, tinnitus, convulsions, tension , Flicker, and cluttered mind, you get these toxic when eating five or more cups of green tea a day, [5] as Works as a Green tea also reduces the absorption of non-hemic iron from food, [4] and can cause gastric ingestion , as well as constipation in some people. [5] Including the negative effects of large amounts of green tea affected in liver cells, as the main type of green tea catechins is toxic to liver cells in large quantities, and because the liver is a key organ in the metabolism of the body, the impact affects many other functions of the body . In a study on experimental animals, it was found that eating large amounts of green tea works to oxidize the liver and pancreas cells and thus damage them and affect their work. [3] Among the pancreatic cells that are oxidized due to large amounts of green tea are beta cells responsible for the production of the insulin hormone , so it was found that consuming large amounts of green tea leaves poor results in cases of diabetes in experimental animals. [3] In addition to the effect of green tea on non-heme iron, it reduces the absorption of calcium in the body, as the catechins contained in it have the ability to bind to these minerals and reduce the ability of the body to benefit from them, [4] and therefore avoid eating during meals, Tea used for people suffering from anemia , or for those who need calcium to treat a particular condition. [5] Very large doses of green tea or its extracts can lead to high toxicity, which may cause death. [5] In addition, large amounts of green tea have been shown to cause hyperthyroidism in healthy experimental animals. [3] Green tea drinkers Anemia: Green tea can make anemia worse, especially if eaten at meal times, but this effect can be avoided if taken moderately, and added to the lemon , and the spacing between eating and meals. [1] Severe cardiovascular disease, and any heart muscle problems. [3] Pregnancy and lactation: Do not take more than one cup to two cups. [3] There was a relationship between eating more than two cups a day with the risk of miscarriage and other negative effects, and caffeine in green tea goes to the baby through breast milk and causes negative effects. [5] Anxiety disorders: Caffeine in green tea can make the condition worse. [5] Bleeding Disorders: Caffeine can increase bleeding, so you should avoid drinking green tea to anyone suffering from bleeding. [5] Diabetics: Caffeine can affect your blood sugar , so you should monitor your blood sugar level carefully in case you suffer from diabetes when drinking green tea. [5] Liver diseases: Green tea extracts can increase the bad condition of liver patients. [5] Hypertension: Caffeine can increase blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, especially when eating too much. Osteoporosis: Taking green tea can increase calcium intake with urine. Green tea should be limited to no more than two to three cups per day. Calcium in the urine can be compensated by dietary calcium supplements. [5] Irritable bowel syndrome: Caffeine in green tea, especially when taken in large amounts, can make irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea worse. [5] Medications: Green tea increases urination, which affects the levels of certain drugs in the blood. Therefore, caution should be taken when taking green tea in the case of taking medications, and ensure that it does not adversely affect the work. [3] Glaucoma (Blue Water): Drinking tea increases the pressure inside the eye . [5] Benefits of green tea Green tea is one of the most health-friendly drinks, as it is a functional food, meaning it has many health benefits beyond just the nutrients it contains because of its catechins. [1] Some of its benefits are summarized in [1] , [ 3] Resistance to oxidation and oxidative damage in the body and related diseases. Green tea has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times in the treatment of headaches, body aches, digestive problems, depression, and detoxification. Resistance to many types of cancers, such as: oral cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, small intestine cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer , breast cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer. Reduce lipids (fat) of blood. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease . Improve oral health, prevent tooth decay and fall, and periodontal disease. Increase the level of burning calories in the body, which contributes to weight loss , and this effect is small for those who wish to address obesity and overweight, and should be used as a support only for the basic treatment of diet and sports. Improve glucose tolerance, and improve insulin function. Resistance to many viruses, bacteria and fungus.

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