Alternative medicine is now very advanced as there is a lot of food and drinks that we eat daily, some treatment but we do not know where we all know that the benefits of honey bee very many benefits and beauty, but this time is not a drink as usual, but recently spread a topic on some websites on the The Internet, such as some pages of the social networking site Facebook and also some forums and blogs in the Department of Alternative Medicine and hope you benefit from that topic where you talk about the benefits of placing honey bee drops on the navel heal many diseases and if you get upset about that you can put a sticker for chapter B Nha between your clothes where you monitor the results of a drop of honey bees put before sleeping on the navel and heal too many diseases remind them to you as follows: -
- Treatment of chronic headache pain.
- Eye pain
- Sinusitis.
- Neck pain and back shoulders
- Front neck pain, soreness and asthma.
- Low back pain
- Stomach pain and gallbladder
- Irritable bowel problems
- Chronic constipation as well as diarrhea.
- Problems of low blood pressure.
- Knee pain