Is transgendered the new goth for millennials?steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago 

We hear about so many different topics in the media, most of them are changed by 95% for shock value and only have 5% of the original content. It is a Marketing tactic used to ensure they have obtained the maximum viewers possible.

What we as the general public do not do, is follow our own choice or thought.

We follow mental conditioning to convince ourselves that, we are the ones that are cruel and "not normal".

Does anyone remember the faux pas social groups of the 80's, 90's, and 2000's? We had kids in these stereotypes, Rocker Gothic, Skateboarders, regular drug users, and many others that fit "outside of the box". That the NORMIES saw as an issue, however found ways to see they didn't mean any harm on others.

In today's world, too many people tell those who believe they are something other than they were born as that they are correct. Also people believe it's okay to shout, scream and play the martyr, or have childish tantrum . As if any of us didn't work for what we are today if that is man, women, or whatever you consider yourself.

Just remember there have been two genders since the beginning of time, why because you have a mental illness do you have the right to confront federal governments demanding change?

If you want to play dress up, feel free, but what you are not allowed to do is MAKE everyone feel sorry for you because you are mentally ill.

If I want to strap flash lights to my shoulders and wear chains around my neck, a red hat with a fire hose on my back and crawl along the floor making fire truck noises, I'm entitled. What i am not entitled to do, is make others feel uncomfortable because i have a mental disorder or force others to believe that my behavior is acceptable.

We are all free to express ourselves, you shouldn't feel it is acceptable to air your personal problems via the media to obtain your 15 minutes of fame, while you drive your life into social rejection by choice.

No one cares what you feel like. Be who you are, and stop making others have to hear you complain daily about how life isn't fair. If you make a choice to change your body, that is your choice.

However society does not have to perceive this as normal, nor encourage you just because "life isn’t fair".


There are many bigger problems in the plane world of society, what you do or do not feel like is not important.

Your Sapphire Vixen
Find me on twitter @sapphire_vixen

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why because you have a mental illness do you have the right to confront federal governments demanding change?

@sapphirevixen I would say due to the increasing amount of people identifying as transgendered that it is not just a mental illness.

Have you ever actually talked to anyone who is transgendered?

I do think that there is some biological basis for transgenderism due to all the xenoestrogens people are exposed to during gestation and all throughout puberty. These chemicals are altering the hormonal environment and could be causing partial neurological development according to the opposite sex from where they were born.

The big question is what do we do. In Ontario the society and government seems to want to encourage people to go forward and transition to the opposite gender from where they where born.

I think that is approach is a little crazy since it will result in earlier cancers and chronic disease. I would even go out on a limb to say that detoxification, hormonal balancing, and counseling could go a fair way to reversing the emotional and mental strain that people who are trans experience.