Does social media cause depression ?

in life •  7 years ago 

Here's a question to consider. Can social media make you depressed ?

Of course that statement may be obvious if you are being trolled online, but in general terms, does it make us depressed?

Since spending a lot of time meditating and being 'mindfull' I had pulled back somewhat from blogging and posting social media updates, (obviously not completely!) and it is very liberating. Some days are now internet free days!

As a passive person and someone who has had major anxiety in the past, I have at times found anxiety 'triggers' on the internet. Here are a few negative feelings that have immerged from being a sensitive internet user.

Feeling Ignored
Used as a scapegoat
A joke

Of course this is not every day... but lets put it into perspective.

Say you are a little overweight, in a job you hate, and you are trying to creare a business online. What if someone criticises your project when you have tried your best, then someone later on that day boasts about their new job, when you are struggling with yours? Then maybe someone has lost 2 stone and you have put on two stone. If it's a bit of a low day, it could pretty much leave you feeling deflated, frustrated and pretty rubbish.

As a passive, I do not like to have unhealthy debates online, and do not tolerate aggressive behaviour. I walk away (well, I ignore, block or mute, whichever is the most appropriate) and I believe this is the best tactic to stop any internet anxiety.

Spending to much time on social media can engulf all the above feelings, and as we know, there are many studys that link social media to depression.

If you do get anxiety and if you use the internet reguarly, try taking a longer break than normal, and see if you notice a lift in mood.

I would be interested in any thoughts on this.

Discuss (nicely haha)

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Sarah, my opinion is that social media in our days is like newspaper for the old(er) generations and we are more or less addicted to it. Just as reading tons of news in the newspapers (bad or good) can make us overwhelmed, so can social media stuff. It is the same, just media has changed. It is more colorful now, there are more candies...

Very true. The problem we have though is that newspapers become old news very quick where as online is updated instantly. There are positives, of course, and its nice to remember that in times of anxiety, to enjoy it :-)

There is/was some research on this, and the results were that you actually get more depressed because you feel as if your life is dull because when you have an X number of friends(or the twitter following equivalent) you see everyone's top moments, not the downsides. That makes you feel down.

And social media is addictive because it makes use of short dopamine loops.

Both two very interesting things to read up on.

Yes i think you have hit the nail on the head hede. Comparing our lives can be very disparing!

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Without a doubt

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Than you. Totaly true!