Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 4: Reincarnation and Transmigration of Souls

in life •  9 years ago 

In the last post I said the terms ‚transmigration of souls‘ and ‚reincarnation‘ are inseparable. I think it’s just an interpretation of terms. I’ll move on with the basis that we talk about the same thing here.

We’re are on a journey. Currently we neither know where nor when this journey started, we don’t know where or when this journey is supposed to end and of course we can’t comprehend ‚how’ it could end, at least not completely. I’m convinced it’s up to us to influence when this journey ends, it is in our hands, not completely but for the most part. It’s a part of ‚how’ it can end. We’re responsible. One aspect is the free will we have. Actually the main aspect.

We are allowed to take the chance to live more than just one life, in a non-specific interval between one life and the next one. It’s individually and carefully chosen, not only by us. This interval can be 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, 1 century or even 2000 years. There's no fixed timeline that says 'You'll get a new life and a new chance every 50 years'.

We are allowed to collect different experiences and we are provided with different bodies, comparable to different clothes. We are wandering souls and are allowed to take a break on different planets to gather experiences. We chose to live this life (pretty much in all its details) before we are born and it is up to us to make the most of it before we have to leave again, due to the fact of time and mortality.


‘Once there was a time I had to come back. Then there was a time I was allowed to come back. Now I’m no longer allowed to come back.’
Codamus; channeling; date unknown;

What odes it mean? This soul had to come back because the process of learning was not finished. After a certain amount of time and a certain amount of progress he was allowed to come back but he didn't have to anymore. At some point he was no longer allowed to come back (to earth) because he was given a new mission and task.


This is not our only life on earth. Not our first and probably not our last. We have been here many times before, at least most of us and we shall come back many times again, at least most of us. The purpose is to learn and evolve and contribute to our own progression and to the progression of mankind as well.

Both terms, progression and contribution, are closely interrelated. Both are planned in a ‘book’, let’s call it book. It’s the book of your life and each life is a chapter. You decide how many chapters there will be in the end. The contribution is carefully planned and can be seen as the theme of the book, the chapters are our lifes. Each chapter of this book – each life – is also carefully planned: to meet the people we should meet, to take the chances we should, to learn and experience what we should. These steps can be seen as the necessary steps we have to make to be able to finish the book, to be able to make our contribution to mankind, when this book is finally finished when all chapters are done.  But even when this book is finished it goes on. There’s further evolution and development, on ‚the other side’.

Imagine a conference room and a huge table. Symbolically. Before we are allowed to return to earth we are faced with all the details which are planned for the upcoming life. It’s just a plan including chances and possibilities with the aim to provide the best progress for us. Once we agree freely to live this life incl. everything it can bring us, the veil of forgetfulness is put on us and we’re ready to be born, to a world of limited senses including the illusion and limitation of time. And if you ever wondered about ‘when the soul enters the body’, it happens at birth. The pregnant mother is accompanied by the soul for the time of pregnancy until the day of incarnation. And according to your own wish, according to the plan of life you chose, you chose your parents as well. It doesn’t happen by accident, nothing in this world does. Everything is very well planned. Very well.

I mentioned our free will before. It is our free will that decides if we follow the path we have chosen or not. We all know and have experienced that there are obstacles in life. Sometimes you fail, sometimes you succeed. We are driven by intuition and our (well known) gut feelings, we have a conscience and we have a will. It is up to us to decide whether it is the right or the wrong path for us. That’s our free will, one of the greatest gifts of god.

As I said in the last post, I can’t share the view of heaven and hell. We leave our material body and we are allowed to look back at our past life to see if we accomplished the plan or not. It is up to us to judge. Only us. We are able to face all opportunities we took and the ones we have missed. Look at all the people me made happy and at all the ones we’ve hurt. It will be our own remorse to face everything me missed, that’s what we call ‚purgatory’, it's a synonym and not a place, and god gave us the chance to make it better, next time, in a new body. Before that happens, we’re entering the thought world, as it is called. After studying this topic I’m convinced that there’s a structure on the other side, hard to describe what I have in mind. I do believe in clearly distributed tasks and different ‚levels‘ and we have the opportunity again to make progress. Highly fascinating.

Your next life will be planned according to everything you missed during the last one to give you the opportunity to catch up on what you missed.

That creates a picture of a fair divine being, a fair god. We get chances. Not only 1 but several until we finally strapped it:) You can be strong or weak, tall or small, black or white, you can enjoy a long life or die very young, you can be very rich or very poor, you can be very religious or irreligious, very famous or unnoticed, you can be alone or enjoy a huge family, life on planet earth is colorful, it's a playground. Literally. The are so many variations to gather experiences. God was very creative.

That allows us to see life in a different light. How hard life may be or how enjoyable in the opposite, no one else is responsible for it but you, it was and is your decision. You want to learn something, maybe something you haven’t learned so far in your previous lifes. What an opportunity that is. Take your chances and appreciate the gift called life. No matter what it holds for you, it was your choice.

The theory of reincarnation can be found in different religions as well such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The main difference though is that Buddhists believe that you are reincarnated right after your physical death and you can even be an animal in your next 'episode'. Hindus believe you can either be a human being, an animal or even a deva (god like being).  From what I've been told and what I've learned is that we'll always return in the same sex, women stay women, men stay men. You're not sometimes the one, sometimes the other.

To get a deeper understanding about ‚transmigration of souls‘ and ‚reincarnation‘ we have to realize that the planet we use to live on, earth, is subject to change and evolve as well.

Planets in general are exposed to change just as human beings. It's a natural evolution similar to the evolution of mankind. It's a very interesting field which helps to understand why we are here – on this planet– and why the number of souls is constantly increasing on this planet. No one can deny it. The number of inhabitants is growing and growing. There’s a real run of souls to be able to get on earth to make experiences. Everything happens for a reason. And every soul wants to learn as much as possible.

Thank you all very much for your attention.

To be continued.

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)


I wanted to fork my eye-balls half way through your post. Just seeing you trending makes me lose hope in humanity.

  1. If souls are recycled, then which where the first souls? The human population on earth is icreasing. Obviously some new souls have no way to get recycled even if we take into consideration other life forms. They too also increase. I would assume math, logic and economics were not your forte in school...

  2. The planets were formed from galaxies collading and stars exploding into nuclear waste. Where exactly did the fish stop being fish and evolved a soul our of the periodic table of elements? Just because we are human?
    Just because you read it in a book written by goat herders that had nothing to do in the middle of a dessert?

  3. If you say "all things have soul" then what's the point of saying it at all? A soul is merely the firing of your neurons, much like a tv does to show you a set of data. Actually assuming the way you write, I don't think your neurons are firing at all.

Hey @kyriacos. I never said souls are recycled. I never said 'all things have soul'. How do you know 'new' souls are being made? Interesting. Reading your comment makes me loose hope you really read my posts. And steemit is about to share thoughts, that's what I did and what I do. Please respect it, thank you very much. All the best.


transmigration of souls‘ and ‚reincarnation‘ are inseparable.

We are allowed to collect different experiences and we are provided with different bodies, comparable to different clothes. We are wandering souls and are allowed to take a break on different planets to gather experiences.

Yeah, you traveled to other planets and confirmed that? you have soul passports to check who is changing with who? seriously. wtf are you smoking?

That creates a picture of a fair divine being, a fair god.

who created god? how do you know? you don't . you are just shooting crap and you have bots "mysteriously" wired on you

you. don't. know.

nobody does. how arrogant is to make all these assumptions out of your ass... There is no such thing as soul. You are a carbon composite that suprisingly made it alive so far on this planet

Wow, you actually ended that by asserting that "there is no such thing as soul"? LOL

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

If souls are recycled, then which where the first souls?

If the universe came to existence through a Big Bang - what was before the Big Bang?

Where exactly did the fish stop being fish and evolved a soul our of the periodic table of elements?

When exactly did the most complicated anorganic molecule "evolve" into the most primitive proto-lifeform?

A soul is merely the firing of your neurons, much like a tv does to show you a set of data.

Just that you don't call it a set of data, you call it a "movie", or a "series", or a "music video", turning the TV into more than just the sum of its parts and the data into more than a succession of zeros and ones.

I don't think your neurons are firing at all.

Careful, don't cut yourself with that blade :)


If the universe came to existence through a Big Bang - what was before the Big Bang?

Everything always existed, the big bang is just a reshuffle of existence. i am comfortable to say "i don't know" without invoking magical entities, souls and other wishful thinking

When exactly did the most complicated anorganic molecule "evolve" into the most primitive proto-lifeform?

It is irrelevant when. The point is the soul as something that lives beyond the body. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

Just that you don't call it a set of data, you call it a "movie", or a "series", or a "music video", turning the TV into more than just the sum of its parts and the data into more than a succession of zeros and ones.

that doesn't change the fact that we are no better than an electrical signal (and we have evidence for that).

Careful, don't cut yourself with that blade :)

being a smartass doesn't cut it with me :)


Fantastic read again! I'm so glad to come across such write ups on Steemit, thank you and namaste :)

Again ,you nailed it . Great .
Sometimes i think that when you experience deja vu it's just a reflection in time and space of you in past life , because you see you in same place . It's like a wave of conciousness hitting you in a fraction of a second .

Thanx @iggy! That's great! Thanx for having you.

No sweat , i'm always happy to bounce some deep words . When i'm in the mood . Keep up with your writing i really like to read your texts .

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Links to factual data based in science?

This has nothing to do with science. How would you measure your belief?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't because I don't blindly accept something without facts to back it up.
I will take facts, logic and reason over faith and belief.

Perfect @skeptic! I don't accept anything without my own research. I'm not here to persuade you or convince you, I shared my view. I don't need to back it up with logic, reason and facts. Belief doesn't need a reason. I've learned a lot, met a lot of people, enjoyed a lot of lessons... that's all I will ever say.

I don't need to back it up with logic, reason and facts. Belief doesn't need a reason.-{sascha}-
When you make statements you have burden of proof.

You have nowhere been asked to "blindly accept". @sascha has nowhere made a claim of fact or evidence, and clearly - and eloquently! - shared and explained a view held in such or similar forms by many people on the world.

The "comic" you posted is an insult, as @sascha never yelled "YOU CAN'T PROVE I DON'T TURN INTO A UNICORN", but calmly replied "I am not here to persuade you or convince you that I sometimes turn into a unicorn. I'm only telling you that sometimes I do." Without asking you to believe.

That is a huge qualitative difference, and especially someone who purports to uphold the values of the scientific method and skeptical thinking should be able to tell the difference.

Instead, you are being illogical, unreasonable and distort the facts.

By applying the metrics of science to personal beliefs, you make yourself a fool very much like the one measuring the distance between earth and sun with a Geiger counter. That is illogical.

You expect "links to factual data based in science" on a topic that by its very nature cannot be approached with the - rightfully! - strict corset of the scientific method and empiricism as understood by mainstream academia, and does not claim to be. That is unreasonable.

By twisting @saschas friendly words and polite reaction to your insolent trolling by depicting them as the angry outburst of a shizoid fanatic, you have distorted the facts.

From a fellow skeptic, please reconsider your approach.

Unless you want to give skeptics a bad name, then by all means, keep doing what you did here.

the fact that you believe in things with out facts to support them is funny to me. it might not have yelled it but made it perfectly clear that nothing that is said in this post is based in reality, its all make believe fantasy garbage. I am not talking for you or anyone else, I am talking for me. an independent free thinker. I am not part of a community and do not represent one. maybe turn it around? you might be giving skeptics a bad name, supporting feelings over fact, reason and logic. shame on you.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

the fact that you believe in things with out facts to support them is funny to me.

Let us apply some old common horse logic. If there were facts to support my beliefs, I wouldn't have to believe, I would know, or could at least suspect. That is not what a belief is for. Belief is for when you can't possibly know, can't prove empirically, for when logic, reason and facts refuse to be applicable to a situation or question.

There is a quote I once found...

knowledge without faith leads to doubt. Faith without knowledge leads to superstition. Both together give certainty, and to unite them, they must not be mixed.

The last part is important. I do not debate biology with a bible or the Edda in my hand. So you are well advised to keep the Principia Mathematica out of a theological/spiritual/esoteric discussion. Simple as that.

made it perfectly clear that nothing that is said in this post is based in reality, its all make believe fantasy

And that is precisely why I don't see your problem. You don't like dragons, fine. Then don't watch Game of Thrones. Simple as that. Running around telling fantasy genre fans that dragons don't exist is not going to turn them into Trekkies exactly. What do you even expect?

you might be giving skeptics a bad name, supporting feelings over fact, reason and logic.

Well, I just defended fact, reason and logic against your unreasonable, illogical attack in which you distorted the facts. And you just did it again, btw. I never supported feelings over fact, reason and logic, you assume way too much. I am merely defending the right to feel -- and speak about it. Both views have a right to be heard. Nobody is forcing you to listen.

You'll have the last word in this discussion, make it count! :) Don't worry, I don't mind your insults.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Don't worry, I don't mind your insults.
I haven't insulted you once, you have done the insulting.
Well, I just defended fact, reason and logic against your unreasonable, illogical attack
what did I say that was unreasonable or illogical?
and how is anything in the post fact reason or logic? we already said it was all fake made up grbage.

Otherwise, this topic should be under poetry or story tag.

One of the most insufferable jackasses on the planet.

To be fair, you're making an assertion about the nature of reality. It's kind of a requirement.

I'm with you, far too many religious posts are trending here. Its unnerving.

Free speech sucks huh?

My mind has been blown... again!

Nice! Happy to see you're interested @jrcornel. A little spark can ignite a huge fire:)

bellissimo post

gracias por compartir este material. me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias

De nada! @jlufer

Great work indeed! Check out my links on the power of the Tetractys and vortex based mathematics. After all, all is number and numbers are all. And number and geometry are the language of a "higher intelligence". Don't believe me, feel free to critique my links. I feel I have the proof with the use of mathematics. Keep in mind I used to consider myself an atheist, that is until I played around with mathematics, numbers and geometry specifically. https://steemit.com/mathematics/@xavierhorsechode/my-findings-with-the-tetractys-and-applying-the-doulbing-pattern-of-124875-with-in-potential-unknown-knowledge and https://steemit.com/mathematics/@xavierhorsechode/you-do-not-have-to-be-a-ma-son-to-figure-out-the-secrets-of-the-uni-verse

In one day all the souls (even the dead ones) will be transmitted to the eternal life but before that, every soul will meet God, and God will ask for all the good and bad things to decide where this soul will begin its eternal life, in paradise or in hell. If everyone of us has done enough good things he will be in paradise, else, in hell. So the key (as I commented in the last part) is that we have to decode the message in our hearts and have faith.

Very interesting article. I don't want to miss the next part!

Thank you @team101! I appreciate it your support. From all of you here.

Definitely not where my beliefs have led me, but it was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

And you're welcome @jhermanbeans! Thank you!

Sascha, even though I had a Baptist upbringing, I do believe that we reincarnate and have more than one life, if we want to, so that our souls can learn and advance in knowledge and wisdom. But to reincarnate as only a woman each time or only as a man each time makes no sense to me, because then we would learn about life only from the perspective of a woman or of a man. We would become one-sided in the knowledge we gain, so to speak. It's like we would wind up learning only half of what we could have learned from our lives on earth.

Dear @mountaingirl, thank you!:) Interesting view about being male / female, definitely. I only shared what I learned, what I read and what others told me. And everytime I talk to someone about it, it fuels a conversation, that's all that matters. Opinions and views will always be different. I love to hear views like yours, it makes me think about YOUR view, I compare it to MY view. The bottom line is: We both deal with life and think about it. That's a huge step forward. All the best.

Sascha: Yes reincarnation is a possibility, although again it is as far as I know not provable. Maybe we do live multiple lives, could be great learning something in each life until we reach a certain summit and then stop reincarnating? I frankly don't quite believe this but I don't completely reject it. One thing I do sometimes think about is, if we do reincarnate are we limited to this earth or could it be we end up in different planets, galaxies or even on different planes of existence?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hi @gduran! Sure, I didn't say it's the law :) It's a belief. No one can prove anything. Is there a god? Is there a soul? That's why we call it believe. I'm convinced though due to what I've seen and learned, maybe let's call it a very strong believe instead of a conviction :) And you have a very interesting question. I'd say: Let's see :) Thank you very much for your time to reply.

I don't get the gender staying the same? To me, a full awareness of being human would require experiencing both sexes. Thus exiting as a unified non-dualistic being.

This is very well written and organized! How awesome to see someone else share this view. I just wrote a post about this exact topic titled "A Brief Story of Our Earth: Project Free Your Consciousness", but I love that you went into so much more detail about all the wonderful aspects of living here.

Hey @mscleverclocks! Awesome, will check it out! We're are not alone that's for sure, thank you very much for your reply!

Well written. I confess when I was younger I believed in reincarnation, was a fan of Lobsang Rampa and a few others... but then I grew up. Now I know ashes to ashes, dust to dust ... just another organic matter in Mother earth {smile}. ... more grist to the mill ..
I will happily read the next installment as you present your ideas lucidly !

Thanky you @themagus! It's not just ‘my ideas', many people share this view.I read about, learned about it, talked to people...it's not my invention. I'm very happy to see you're interested what others believe and think and don't refuse it per se. Great. Thank you again!

Yes , your view is very reasonable, but just like reincarnation, heaven, hell, soul etc. has absolutely no concrete basis. Probably you are right, but until we do die, we either go into eternal emptiness and completely cease to exist as sentient beings or we end up finding out there really is an after life. The nice part is since no one really knows, anybodies ideas are just as valid as anybody else's. I personally hope there is something after but I do have my doubts.

I do like the get out clause of population expansion by explaining that we must be on other worlds, um interesting.

Great article again!

Thank you very much @future!:)

Most definitely an interesting line of thinking to explore. This was one of my favorite topics to engage in years ago when Paul was doing his doctoral studies. We read many books on life after death, near death, reincarnation, the dying process itself. Various cultures have different beliefs surrounding this. One in particular I might suggest is Ian Stevenson's 21 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, for those interested in doing more research. Thank you sasha for introducing this to the forum.

I love the way you express yourself, beautifully written. Over the decades I have personally come around to the fact that we don't know why we are conscious beings, where consciousness comes from or goes, how or why we got lucky enough to end up on this piece of hot rock in space in a perfect place in the galaxy and solar system vortex which allows for an evolving biological life explosion and we happen to be aware enough and intellectually capable of experiencing our existence in the bigger universal mystery of big bang, beyond big bang as inquiring minds and feeling beings. IT's a wild ride with zero actual explanations of conscious existence, so 'Welcome to wherever you are'. oc

There are overly harsh comments here. I think if the person who wrote the article has experienced these things as true then fair enough. But if it is just an idea in ones mind then it is false.

I would like know how many more souls are willing to come on Earth and how many souls can this Earth survive...???

Great post @sascha! Thinking about things like this soon myself. Look forward to future posts! :)

Thank you @virtualgrowth :)

I agree our God is awesome and is pure Love that being said I do believe that because of that love we are given many chances to get it right God does not wish us to perish but have an everlasting life in his Kindom I too feel that I've been here on Earth prior to this life I am living now! Great Post Thank You

@sascha would be nice if some of this were true. I think some of it may be close to the mark, and given the number of upvotes it certainly seems that a lot of people would like to believe it.

Just wondering where you get this special knowledge from?

Hello Friend,
I came across your posts and was wondering if you might provide a list of some of the readings you have done. I would really like to dive deeper into this topic and will be reading through all your posts as I really enjoy them and find them useful in terms of gaining knowledge. I am open to your suggestions.

Happy day,

Where does the souls reside? Is there a physical location in one's body that it resides in or is it on some spiritual cloud account?