8 Differences Between Friends and Best Friends

in life •  8 years ago 
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." ― Muhammad Ali

The importance of friends in one’s life cannot be explained in words. They form a very big part of our life. Since our childhood till we grow old, they play a crucial role as companions through and through. In our lifetimes we get to know a lot of people, but only a very few manage to cross the special threshold.

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And if friends are special, best friends are on a whole another level. They are like the siblings we never got the pleasure of sharing a womb with. Siblings, not by blood but by bond. Best friends are a special breed, without whom, your life would be like an old dusty book that no one wants to read.

On that note, lets look at some of the difference between friends and best friends. 

1. Doing Stupid Things

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One of the most intriguing things about life is that you get to experience almost everything, and in doing so, you create memories. And that, my friends, is life; a collection of memory created by innumerable experiences.

Friends will listen to all the crazy, stupid things you have done in your life. Some may judge, others will not.

Best friends are the ones you do the said crazy, stupid things with! Those are some of the most memorable memories of our lives. I still remember all the stupid things I have done with my best friends, and as I do, I can’t help but shake my head and smile like an idiot.

2. Conversations

Conversations are a really important part in any relationship with. The better the conversation, the better the relationship.

Friends are good to have conversations with but you would hesitate to tell them those really weird things.

Best friends don’t have that problem because they already know that you are a weirdo and thus you can have any weird talk with them. 

3. Hanging Out At Your Place

Friends will wait for you to invite them or will ask you if they can hangout at your place. Also, they will be well behaved throughout their stay. 

Best friends barge in unannounced anytime and will shout, “I’m home!”. Also, they know where the food is and will help themselves to it. They are the reason you have no food.

4. Dealing With Break Ups

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Break ups are hard to handle and often you need support to get you out of that phase. 

A friend will listen to you and put up a worried face and speak some kind words of support.

A best friend will be there for you throughout the different stages of break ups. Also, they might go one step further and call up your ex saying, “Seven days…..” That would be awesome, wouldn’t it?

5. Compliments Vs Insults

We are always looking for a second opinion on things, whether it be clothes or a project or a car or anything in general.

A friend is mostly ready to pat you on the back and will usually compliment you saying things like nice clothes, nice car, nice essay and so on.

A best friend will either give you the most honest feedback telling you exactly what needs to be fixed or they will insult you on your choice first and laugh about it for an hour before finally helping you out. It’s usually the second one.

6. Keeping Secrets

Everyone has secrets in life. Some are really big and embarrassing and some are small but still to be kept hush. 

A friend is someone you would have to decide to tell a secret to or not. It would depend on how much you trust the person.

A best friend has no such problem. Either they were your partner in crime or were the first to know about it. In any case, you don’t need to even tell them to keep things secret. They literally take your secrets to the grave.

7. Snapchatting

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a gif is, well, a couple thousand more. So, I’ll let the gif below do the talking.

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8. Seeing Them After A Long Time

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Let’s face it life sometimes forces us to take a different direction and there comes a time when we are separated from our friends. It can be due to education or work or some other reasons.

A friend will be all formal if you meet him after a long time. The conversation usually goes like, “Hey, how have you been?” “Nice. What about you?” “I am fine too”. Boring right?

A best friend however will start off from the point you guys left. You will never even feel like you ever separated. As soon as you meet, the same insults are used, the same wrestling moves are performed and you feel right at home.

Follow me for more awesome content @sauravrungta. :)

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Another great piece. Your thoughts always seem to stir up more thought.

I've had a lot of "friends" in my life, but there is one in particular that, IMO, defines best friends.
Unfortunately, we're miles apart and don't talk much these days. But when we got together a few months ago, a few things struck me.
One - Talking was easy, about anything. We shared, laughed, were troubled, etc. There was absolutely no awkwardness. It was like we picked up on a conversation we started years ago but hadn't been able to continue because of life.
Two - Silence is not awkward. A lot of folks feel like they need to fill the silence as if it's a void. With best friends, the silence is part of the sharing and needs nothing more. Just being there is expression enough.
Three - There was no judgment. Sharing real life issues results in empathy and/or shared happiness.
Four - There's no real need for followup. Polite meetings generally require some sort of followup thanking the other for their time. With best friends, you can just hug and plan on seeing each other someday, but there's no pressure and no expectation of gratitude. The blessing was mutual and in some ways sorta taken for granted even while treasured.

A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

You put it so beautifully. Agree with everything you said :) Best friends really are a blessing in life!

I call it, the difference between acquaintances and friends or the difference between party buddies and friends :-)

Haha true! party buds are the best ;)

Totally agree with this think I would of been lost without them, really warm post upvoted.

Thank you so much for reading. Yes, they are our guides in life :)

I don't usually have the time to comment a lot sadly, but this one is long overdue.

Great posts man! Just keep them coming, and you are not wrong about awesome content :)

Personally, my friends and my inner circle has always been one of my most valued treasures, and I'm very lucky to have the friends that I have.

Thank you! It means a lot coming from you :)
You are absolutely right. True friends really are nothing less than treasures. They are simply priceless!

One thing I knoe for sure is no man is island. Friends do ave thier good sides. I mean those you can relly on.

Thanks for reading :)

I completely agree with this list! It's so true lol

Haha! Thanks for reading :)

The best ones to avoid are "Fair weather" friends. Avoid like the plague. You can thank me later.

Yeah! Have had some of those in my life. Always take a detour!! :D

Good post, but my old best friend doesn't really have "time" for me anymore now that he is married and has kids. We pretty much never talk to each other and have completely different lives :(

Yup, marriage changes a lot of things. But if you really do care a lot for your bud, you can make time for sure!

Yeah, I guess it does. I can make time for him easily but he can't make time for me :(

I actually still have some friends from grade school that still come around, and my best friend since the 5th grade is around all the time. But @sauravrungta you do explain it beautifully as does @anotherjoe
full $teem ahead!

Lucky are the ones who are still friends with people from school! :D
Thanks for the kind words :)