A Simple Time Management Trick That Will Improve Your Productivity

in life •  7 years ago 


Something that I keep noticing about people in today’s world is that they all seem busy. “Seem” being the operative word there, because we all know that most people only seem busy while in fact its just an illusion.

Thanks to technology there are now so many distractions that a major part of our waking ours is wasted on non productive things. Even when we sit down to complete some work in a given time, we are quickly distracted by one thing or the other.

In a world where competition is getting tougher by the day, you really cannot afford to lose precious time because as we all know, it waits for none. That’s why we must all learn to be as productive as possible and to make the best use of the time that we got.

I have been studying a lot of time management tips myself to better organize my day to day activities and today I am going to talk about one that I have found really useful and something that I think most people don’t even consider.

Use Your Waiting Time


So, we all have a variety of tasks to do in a day, and there is always a buffer time between those tasks which goes totally unused. Let me explain to you what I mean.

Let’s say you just finished writing an article on your laptop and are now heading out to meet your friend at a mall. You take a cab and reach there. Usually, what one does in the cab, is listen to music or use of the many social media apps.

But that time can be used for doing other work related tasks as well. Like, clearing your inbox for example, or replying to comments on your Steemit posts (which is something I do personally).

Likewise, when you’re waiting in line at stores or traveling in subways, you can find the smaller tasks to complete during buffer times like these. DO NOT underestimate the amount of time you will save by completing these tasks. Might seem like negligible but trust me you end up saving a whole lot of time, which you can then use to do the more important things.

Don’t Waste Your Time


The other day I was watching one of the interviews of Elon Musk. As I have said before in my earlier posts, he is a great inspiration for me and I always watch his videos when I am feeling down.

Anyways, he said something in the video that really made me think. He said, “If you work 100 hours a week and other people put in 40 hours a week, then you will achieve in 4 months what they take to achieve in a year, even if you do the same things as them.”

Basically, what he was trying to say is you have to grind it out if you want success. Yes, you need to work smart also but sometimes there is no alternative to working hard and you just gotta do it.

So, therefore, since we have only limited time, make sure you use it wisely and only towards your goal. But yes, don’t forget to live your life too. You only get it once :)

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Great words thank you
One has to have the will to succeed whatever the circumstances
But as you said, he should not lose his private life either

Yes, thanks for reading :)


haha, a problem most of us have :)

Excellent advice. Have you ever read a book by Randy Pausch he was a professor at a university who died of cancer at a young age. He wrote about time management. The one rid bit he offers is when answering your phone such as in an office, stand while speaking, and never sit. This will invite you to speed up the conversation with the reward of sitting once the call is completed. #busy

That is an interesting technique! I always stand and roam around while talking! hehe

I Would like to like this post but I don’t know yet where to click 🙈

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Click the little ^ sign to the left of the $ amount. I did this for you.

THanks you :)

lol That's literally the first thing anyone learns on steemit :P

Please don't spam!

I like to use even the few minutes it takes sometimes to copy a big file, or install software, and perform other waiting tasks in the meantime. There are days i can take this to perfection, grabbing every little free second, while other days i am not as effective.
Thanks for the great article

Yeah, a lot of smaller tasks can be performed in those free times.

i think a very simple program that any one can apply it can change our life, if we specify every day much time to think how can we improve your self ,certainly at the end of each year we will feel the change in our personality. and do something interesting instead of wasting time absolutely we will succeed in our future life. and learn new language that's. more interesting that going one time in a week to private school of languages.

https://steemit.com/@angelardila follow me and i´ll follow back

Please don't spam.

Yeah, a plan is a must. Most people waste everyday just making plans on what to do that day. So, yeah, it's better to have a program fixed.

Its true, lets make judicious use of our time...

Yes :)

Thanks for sharing. I love the point **Use your waiting time **.

Thanks! :)

Thanks for the post:)

Thanks for reading :)

Well said. Sometimes people tend to forget the importance of hard work. The truth is there is no substitute for it if you're trying to build something for yourself.

There is only a limited amount of time in a day, and how efficiently you use it is one of the main factors in helping you achieve your goals faster.


Exactly. People are more concerned about finding a short cut and just waste a lot of time in it. In the same time they could achieve a lot more if they just got down to work.

Busiest person of the world have more time than others because he isn't busy.
Nice to read this post. Feel motivated. I will utilise those fraction of time between many task as you say in your post.

Good to hear :)

Time is of great essensce...
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading :)

True words, right now finding time to take care of all our responsibilities might be challenging, but there are always some moments in the day when we simply don’t do anything productive. If we change those unproductive moments into productive ones, we will surely acomplish much more than usual.

The only things is this takes daily discipline which is not easy to develop and much less maintain.

Discipline is very necessary. Without it, you will give in to those distractions and nothing will be achieved.

Nice post, Bhaiya! I also admire Elon Musk a lot and loves the way he manages his time organising his different companies. I also face the problem of time management, and will definitely try to implement these hacks of time management in my life.

Yup, he is a great source of inspiration for everyone. I try to follow his advice too.

Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for reading :)

I personally find, preparing things beforehand and in advance really helps with time management.

I used to stay up late, it was then too late to do anything so I'd leave it till the morning. Morning came and I had no time to have breakfast or prep before work, it was all a rush and I was at work just in time every day.

I now shower every night before bed to save doing it in the morning, I then make a packed lunch whilst I wait for my hair to dry before bed, I then go to bed a little earlier.

In the mornings I then have time for breakfast with no need to shower, my lunch is made so I actually have decent food at work and it saves me so much money from buying lunch every day.

Not perfect but a huge improvement.

Yeah, this is what we can all do. Taking care of smaller tasks in between other tasks and preparing for them beforehand. At the end of the day, it's all about maximizing your time.

Ah thats a good write up, makes me conscious of the time i waste per day.

I really like the tip of "using wasted time". As someone who has long morning commutes, i make it a point to listen to audio books instead of the same music playlist lol it's all about optimizing your time :)

Yeah totally! It's all about maximizing your time which can be done by using these small time slots that we totally waste.

While waiting, I always fire up my e-book reader on the phone and read the current book I am on. Though I prefer reading an actual physical book, this e-book reading has also helped me read quite a few number of books.

Oh yeah, I too never get time to read the books that I want to so have to use this time instead.

Time management is good, prudent and effective. But where do we draw the line. Do we type away on our laptops during our lunch breaks? If we took it to the extreme it would give a whole new meaning to being productive on the potty. LOL Or during lovemaking. "Honey I need to copy this image again to my Steemit post and get it up on the website. Cannot afford any down time. Just need to find 'Enter.' Indeed reproduction and multi-tasking on a new level.

haha, I understand. That's why in the end I said "Don't forget to live your life though" but I think it also depends on your goals and urgent they are. I have seen many people work even during their lunch breaks. So, I guess it all depends from person to person and their goals.

This method is very effective for me however when I have a few minutes to do things I'd forget what I need to do and what I can do in such little time.

I found that if I start with a list of things that I need to do - both the small things and the big things, I can refer back to it and easily find something perfect for the amount of time I have.

Having a to-do list is a most. I have found that it helps the mind focus a lot better. Can easily save you a lot of time having to remember all the things that you have to do.

The concept of buffer time totally blew me ,infact i used to think the other way around
Ill be like i finished this task let me listen to a song and celebrate.
Lol i am an idiot.

haha, no you're not an idiot. Having some downtime to do what you enjoy (like listening to music) is actually recommended to let the brain recharge. But yeah, we should use our downtime (or buffer time) judiciously.

Was definitely helpful! And it is definitely true that these small buffers are what we blindly ignore instead of using them <3
Another great one from you brother :)

Yep, ignoring them has become a habit.

Thanks sis :)

Good post

Some good tips here, I definitely feel short on time, but I waste some too. I could definitely start doing some of the small tasks like minor steemiting and quick workouts when I have a minute or two

yeah, it is these little tasks that take a lot of our important time. So, if we can complete these in our down time, we will have a major chunk of our active time to do the bigger, more important things.