Ambiverts: The Best of Both Worlds

in life •  8 years ago 

You might have heard people call themselves introverts or extroverts and you might have agreed with them based on their different personalities. But, have you heard someone call themselves an ambivert? What even is an ambivert!

Well, introverts tend to be more focused on one’s thoughts and feelings, preferring to spend time alone and refraining from much social interactions. On the other hand, extroverts are quite the opposite and get their ‘kick’ from being around people and having a more energetic and ‘lively’ life. 

So, where does an ambivert lie? Right in the middle. If you drew a Venn diagram of introverts and extroverts, ambiverts would be the overlapping part between the two kinds of people. A lot of people think that we can be one or the other, but that is not true. An introvert can have some qualities of extroverts and vice versa. 

It is these ambiverts who enjoy the best of both worlds and in a way, we are all ambiverts. Yes, we may lean more towards one side than the other but I doubt we are strictly one or the other. So, let’s look at some of the qualities of being an ambivert. 

1. Socialising

Ambiverts like hanging out with people, making new friends, going out and having fun but they also enjoy and actually need that alone time with their own thoughts to recharge themselves. 

Even when they are socialising, they look for meaningful interactions where they can have deep conversations. Small talk will quickly bore them and they would rather spend that time alone doing something productive. 

Also, they need to feel that ‘connection’ with people which might not happen with everyone. This means that they are very selective of their social circles and spend their energy on the ones that they really feel comfortable with. 

There is one more thing regarding this which I face all the time. When ambiverts are out and about, they like that part of life and enjoy it thoroughly and wouldn’t want to go home and when they are home, they like that part of life and find it difficult to go outside. 

2. They Can Relate To Most People

Since ambiverts have both the qualities of introverts and extroverts, it makes them very understanding of both the worlds. They understand how hanging outside, travelling the world, partying all the time, living life on the edge can be fun even when introverts don’t quite understand that.

They also understand the importance of burying yourself in your own thoughts, and taking the role of a ‘listener’ in a noisy world such as ours. They understand why some people hate the company of other people even though we are all the same flesh and bones. 

This gives them immense perspective of the human species in general. It is really important to understand the world that we live in and being an ambivert, you are more perceptive as you can relate to the thoughts and feelings of most people. 

Being someone who can sense how people feel also opens them up to deep connections with them which go a long way into forming great friendships that last a life time. 

3. Better Leadership Skills

This is more of three qualities combined into one. From the previous point, we learnt that ambiverts ‘get’ people. That is very necessary as a leader and it helps to ensure that you know your team and work with them to create a synergy. 

Also, ambiverts adapt easily to situations. When the requirement is to be active and spontaneous, which happens a lot when you’re leading the team, ambiverts can quickly muster up the energy to do so. And when the requirement is to process the information and make more thought out decisions, they can reach into their introvert selfs to really come up with creative solutions. 

It is also very important for a leader to be emotionally stable all the time, which ambiverts can do with ease, so that better decisions are made no matter what the circumstances. Being able to keep a cool head goes a long way into making the perfect leader.

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Nice read.

Thank you :)

well written and interesting, I hadn't heard of this word "ambivert". I think I might be one of these ;-)

Most of us are ambiverts. Either we are introverted extroverts or extroverted introverts but not exclusively one. :)

Hi @sauravrungta nice and interesting post

Thank you so much :)

Tre plaĉas al mi la alloga bildo. Ĝi montras la tutan ideon de via ideo.

Thank you :)

Great choice on the image at the top.

Thank you so much :)