Can People Really Change?

in life •  7 years ago 


They say the only real constant is change. Take a look around you and you will find that this is true for all aspects of life. Even nature itself is constantly changing, evolving, as a one big living entity.

Although I know this for a fact that change is kind of built in within the workings of life itself, I sometimes find myself asking whether we humans do really change over a course of time or do we remain the same at our core?

Have you wondered about this too? We all seem to grow into more mature human beings over time and there is a stark difference between the childhood version of ourselves and the adult versions. But at the very core of our individuality, do we really change?

Or is the question more multi-dimensional and doesn’t have one single answer? Well, I think it depends on how you look at it. Let me explain what I mean.

What Makes You, You?


To determine if you can change over time, we must first go a little bit deeper and ask what makes you, you in the first place? Is it your body? Is it your mind? Is it your personality, thoughts, opinions, nature or something deeper than all of that?

Most of these aspects can change over time. Your body changes over time and so do your thoughts and opinions. Your behavior changes too. In fact, it keeps changing from place to place and people to people. That’s completely natural!

Even our personalities change over time albeit slower than the others thanks to the many, many life experiences over the years, making us ever wiser. But can the basic nature of people change too?

There are sayings like “A leopard can’t change her spots” and “A zebra never changes his stripes”. Does that apply to humans as well? Or are we able to refine that core nature of ours, which makes us, us!

What I Think About It


This question may not have a single answer after all. As I have said before on multiple occasions, we humans are complex beings and there are so many different aspects that constitute a person, all of which are unique from one person to the other, that we simply cannot reach a definitive answer as to what changes, how much and even if so!

We all know so many people in our lives whose basic nature has remained the same although they have changed physically, emotionally and mentally. In fact, I think I have remained the same (nature wise) since my childhood.

But we also cannot deny the numerous examples of people who have changed for real. Sometimes it takes a life changing experience to do that, say, a near death experience.

I think, it ultimately comes down to whether you want to change or not. I think we are all capable of it but we really have to want it for it to actually happen. What do you think?

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Time is changing, priorities are changing, dreams are changing and it makes people change - this is the natural change.

Some people change by force - as you said near-death experience, that makes people change even if they didn't plan to.

True that :)

Life is full of changes right from birth to death.To flow with time ,circumstances and need brings about the change.There is a proverb in who does not bends,breaks!.So, be flexible and let the change brings happiness to you.

I haven't heard that proverb before, but seems really meaningful.

If they want to, thats the real answer. Humans are blessed, they are capable of doing anything they want, and anything they wish. If they fail, so it is just because they did not try as much as it needed to the other person. thats it.

Yeah, we really want to have to for achieving anything.

Most times we really can’t tell why we do what we do, we find ourselves doing them and then, we come to a realization and then start questioning ourselves why we did what we did and some may say that it is just changes taking place but the truth is yes, people can change because we are humans and it is only God that is Constant for He does not Change. He is the same yesterday, Today and Forever.

You bring up a really good point :)

Yes, people can indeed change if they really want to.

Of course it is not easy at all, but changing oneself depends on the person and nothing else.

About the question of "What makes you, you?" the answer is all of the experiences we have on a daily basis, we are simply the result of said experiences and interactions, they shape us.

I agree. I think we retain some essence of ourselves no matter what, but change is what life is all about. Changing for the better. I think there are plenty of examples of people who had a rough start, but ended up contributing and being great people.

Agreed!! :D

I totally agree with you :)

To me the thought of people changing is like moving a heavy rock up a hill. It takes a lot of effort to change, and you trust that it will stay in the new position. If anything major happens to the rock or the person, it is very easy for the rock to roll back down the hill, or for the person to revert back to their old selves.

That's a very interesting way to describe it!

I think that we are able to change who we are in many ways due to the reasons you have already stated. We will change physically throughout our lives and we are always learning and through education, we change and adapt just as we change with new interest. Where I struggle with this question is if human nature can change as a whole. Sometimes I fear that we are destined to repeat some of the same mistakes we have made through history because of the inability of humans to change.We continue to have wars and horrible atrocities happening all over the world and without some change to the way humans treat one another this cycle will continue.

I struggle with the exact same question that "are we able to change our basic nature". Yeah, I agree that we sometimes repeat the same mistake twice because the first one doesn't change us enough! lol

Yes people can change if they are willing to .Is a slow process and can take time but is not impossible.

I absolutely agree :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If you want to change from your heart and soul then you can change your self. Like Great saint Balmiki change himself from a dacoit into a great writer of great epic Ramayana and great divotees of Lord Rama.
Nice post.

That is true :)

After reading this, i got something in my mind that is it necessary to change from our usual??

If it is for the better, why not! :)

It is really a multi dimensional question.. I think we all have a core nature. From my side I was always an emotional and childlike person.. The years passed and I am still same ;) I know that even if I am an old woman in future I will stay same. But of course we are changing our behaviours and habits by the time. We are going to be mature. We don't get angry or sad or fearful to the things we used to be in past.

That is exactly what I think on the matter too :)

Hi@sauravrungta, I enjoy your content and i appreciate for your thinking.I upvote you. Keep up the good work.
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I flatlined after heart surgery in 2012. I went to a place that seemed really heavenly and was having a grand time. In what I can best describe as my "consciousness," my mother (who died in 1995) told me "You're not going to be here very long." I go back through a tunnel of darkness and I wake up to "360, no detectable pulse." But they brought me back. Odd thing is, I apparently have my mental faculties, but I'm more or less happy all the time. I just "know that I know" I'm going back to that place.

I am really sorry to hear that but that must have been a profound experience that must have changed you in some way or the other!

And what I say about change, the more we are growing up, the more likely we are having a face off with changes. I am a lil tired of this now. Haha.:)

Very true! What are you tired of though?

Tired of changes.!!

It's a reality of life one cannot deny. Bette to embrace it and ride the wave! :D

Which does not change is the change itself
