Does The Secret Really Work? A Guide to the Law of Attraction.

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

The universe we live in, is a strange one. An enigmatically beautiful one! It’s vastness is beyond even our imaginations, let alone comprehension. In such a vast universe, we humans are like tiny atoms on a spec of dust called earth. In fact we are much smaller than that. It is easy, to then, feel worthless in the grand scheme of everything. Let me tell you that, that is not true. We might feel so because we have long forgotten the true power we have inside of us all. The power to shape the universe itself!

How would you like to have the power to have and achieve whatever you wanted? How would you like to live a life as you willed? Well, you already can! Yes, each one of us has the power to bend reality according to our will. To shape reality itself. And it’s all done through the Law of Attraction. Ever since Rhonda Byrne came out with her book “The Secret” and the documentary with the same name, the world has been abuzz with talk about this new knowledge. So, what is this Law of Attraction? And how do we use it to fulfil all our desires? Let me tell you all about it.

As I mentioned earlier, we live in a strange universe. But even a universe as strange as ours, follows laws. These laws are absolute and cannot be broken. We have all read about different scientific laws at school. The Law of Attraction is one of them. Basically what this law states is that, like attracts like. But now, you must be thinking that in school you read that opposites attract and not likes. Well that is true but that applies to magnets. When we talk about the Law of Attraction, we are dwelling into the realms of Quantum Physics, which is still a mystery on its own.

Knowing how to use the law is the key to manifesting your dream life. Broadly speaking, from what I have come to understand about this law, there are 3 steps involved that you need to do without fail. Let’s talk about these steps:

1. Ask

The universe is an open catalogue. It's like a menu in a restaurant. You can literally order anything and that will be served to you. So the first step is to ask for what you want. Be genuine about it. What do you really want? Ask the universe to give it to you. And be very specific about it. What you want and in how much time. But it has to be believable to you. Just be realistic about it.

Remember, thoughts become reality. And so just keep on repeating in your head as to what it is you really want. Just run it through your mind continuously as you go on with your day. The more and more you ask for it, the more frequency you are letting out into the universe. And since like attracts like, the universe will align itself to bring to you what you desire. It’s really like a genie in that sense!

2. Believe

The second step is perhaps the most important step in the process. Personally, this is where I put most of my focus. After you have asked for what you want, you need to believe firmly that it will be delivered to you. Have faith. Know that you deserve it and that it will show up in your life. Use your entire focus in doing this.

In this step, visualisation works best for me. What I do is, I sit down with my eyes closed and I visualise that I have already received what I have asked for. Lets take an example. Say, I asked for a car. Now what I do is, I close my eyes and visualise that I am sitting in the car. The more detailed the visualisation, the better. I then try to use all my senses. I imagine what I would see in the car; the steering wheel, the seats, the windshield, the colour of the car. I imagine what it feels like; the soft leather on the seats, the feel of the steering wheel. I imagine what it would smell like; that new car smell.

Basically the goal here is to make your mind believe that you already have it, to experience the feeling of already having it. It is then that the universe truly delivers to you what you want. It is then that the magic happens. It is then that thoughts start becoming things. And it is then that you will know the power of the universe and the power inside you.

3. Receive

This is the final step in the process. Now, after doing your part, the universe starts doing its part behind the scenes. It has very strange way of accomplishing tasks. The things we call coincidence? I don’t think there are coincidences; its just a byproduct of the universe’s functions. When you have done the above two right, the universe will bring to you your desire, and you must be ready to receive it.

Most people make mistakes in this part. They seem to do steps 1 and 2 correctly, and just when it is time to reap the rewards, they give up on their dreams. They say things like, this is taking too long; it doesn’t work or I don’t think we can create our own reality. Its just fairy tales. And sometimes people fail to take heed of all the signals that the universe is sending them and thus they are unable to receive what has already been prepared and served in front of them.

Basically what I am trying to say here is that, stay aware of anything and everything that may lead you to manifesting your desires. Just look for signals; the universe likes to send them a lot apparently. It has a way of nudging people in the right direction. We just need to use our intuition to the best of our abilities and make most of any opportunities that may present themselves. And once you do receive what you asked for, be grateful for it.


So, apart from the above 3 steps, something that you should do very often is practise gratitude. It is said that if you are grateful for the things that you have, you will get more of the same. So, if you are grateful for your wonderful health, you will get more of the same. If you are grateful for your relationships, you will get more of the same. Just be grateful in your life, even if you don’t have much. And the universe will fall in love with you. And when it does, oh boy, are you in for the ride of your lifetime. It would literally be like having a genie by your side at all times, with unlimited wishes.

I hope you learned a lot from this article and will make the most of it. Just keep a positive attitude in life and be grateful and watch magic happen. I am gonna leave you with a very apt quote:

"What is now proved, was once only imagined." - William Blake
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How many clinically proven trials hase this been through?

not sure what that means!! o.O

Zero - it can't be tested in clinical trials. It is new age mumbo jumbo if you look at it from a scientific perspective. One could alternatively see it as a means of changing one's perspective on life and in a sense reprogramming the unconscious mind. I don't really. There's a difference between positive thinking and working to achieve your goals vs just thinking that the universe will give you what you want if you ask for it.

IMO it is a way to sell books and seminars to people who think that they can get rich merely by thinking about it. If people "fail" it is because they did not do it correctly, or they did not believe it enough. This is not new - people have been selling this kind of "dream" for millennia. It is an ancient con couched in new age spiritual terms.

I would suggest people instead learn meditation/mindfulness these are clinically proven to have benefits for health and well being.

I totally respect your opinion. I used to be very scientific in my thinking too. I used to disregard everything that has not been proven by science. But there are some things that science has just not caught up to. History is filled with examples like that.

Having said that, I would like to state a few scientific facts relating to this. Quantum physicists have said for years that you can't have a universe without mind entering into it. Also, it is a known fact in the quantum realm that the observer can't observe anything without changing it in some way. Refer to the "double slit experiment" for this.

Also, Dr. Masaru Emoto has documented the effects of emtions on water. In the experiment, different types of emotions were projected towards water. And then the water was looked under a microscope. The findings were that different emotions created different crystal structures in the water molecules. This directly proved that our thoughts had an impact on reality.

These are just my thoughts and what I have come to understand myself. Please do not take this to be an ill meaning comment. Cheers :)

Not at all. It is refreshing to see someone keep an open mind. I'm not saying that these kind of things absolutely can't work - it's just that they are normally used as vehicles for making money. There may well be a future discovery that shows how the mind interacts with the quantum world and shows some scientific basis for some things that were previously considered paranormal. All the best:)

Yes, you are absolutely right. A lot of people use this to just earn money without any real knowledge whatsoever. And thanks for the kind words! :)

The Law of Attraction works when occurring from your Pure Self, not from the false illusion self (mind/ego). Thoughts are not a source of power, they are the result of power. You can prove this to yourself with just a few moments of reflection. Drop your focus for a few seconds, your eyes see, but thoughts about what is seen is ignored.. Stay here for a minute or so, you will notice that thoughts come and go, but you don't have to allow them to impact you. You come before thoughts. Thoughts arise in response to your awareness, ignore the thoughts of drama and struggle, and the thoughts change automatically. Mentally trying to think positive thoughts that your Pure Self is not in alignment with, does not have a positive effect. First be at ease and then your thoughts and circumstances change automatically, vs changing your thoughts to effect circumstances that then help you be at ease (this does not work).

Your comment may have just changed my life. I never thought about it that way. THIS explains everything. Thank you so much for this. You don't even know what this means. Thank you!!!! :)

Wow...... Nothing is more satisfying than helping others be in a state of 'ease'.. Thank you..

Staying positive and keeping your goals in your sights but not obsessing over them is key.

I was struggling a few months back.. I put out positive thoughts and intentions and the universe answered with Steemit..

My freelance illustrations have never been so widely seen, I've had my art featured in articles that hit front page 3 times now. Stay positive and focused and you will succeed!

The same thing happened to me!! I was really struggling with money and then I found steemit. Well I am still struggling but I have hope now! :)

This is great stuff, pretty much what my Bible teaches also, I hope your post gets great ratings it deserves it again well done

thank you so much :)

This certainly goes with the underlying and unspoken idea of Steemit! Upvoted!

thanks a lot :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Actually "Secret" based on misunderstanding quantum physics and misrepresentation in the end.
But try to get a hope, also like a belief in God for religious people.

Thoughts become things.
The future of steem is in the minds of dan and all the community.

There is a lot missing from this book. I can't remember which ones were included but one of the main challenges of making the LoA work is cleaning out all the junk, all the limiting beliefs that we grow up with. You attract what you fear just as much as you attract what you desire and there are all kinds of false beliefs and fear lying around the subconscious. A common misconception is that you should avoid negative thoughts, but I find that the need to avoid these thoughts is proof that you still hold fear about them, and that the fear should be faced by exploring those thoughts and recognizing that nothing is inherently BAD, we just define certain things as bad. By doing this we can soften the fear, the way a massage will help to soften a knot and it can take care of itself it will leave your experience because you don't desire it and you don't fear it.

Sorry this is just some rambling, I am going to organize these thoughts into a post later this week.

You are absolutely right. Before applying the LoA in our lives, we should empty the vessel that the mind is. Only then can we truly focus on things that we want without any fear whatsoever. And only then we can be the masters of our own lives. :)

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment