Dream Big And Don’t Let Anybody Tell You Otherwise

in life •  7 years ago 


In some of my previous posts, I have alluded to the fact that I don’t appreciate skeptics or people that would rather want to live in the status quo than to see change or take risks.

See, I have always been a dreamer. Someone who likes to dream big and work towards that, even if it is a painfully slow process with lots of hurdles in between.

I am also a hopeless optimist who believes that hard work does indeed pay, if you stay true to your cause. Yes, sometimes that has backfired on me but most of the times it has not. Even the times that it backfired, I learned a lot and moved forward.

People seem terrified of failures these days and would gladly swerve around an obstacle if they could and would rather stay in the more familiar waters than to dream big and do something different. And that is what upsets me.

Dream Big. Ignore The Noise.


The most annoying thing about skeptics is that neither do they do something of their own nor do they want to let someone else do it. In other words, they would rather live in the familiarity bubble all their lives and see everyone else doing the same.

That’s not how the world works. That’s not how we work. We as human beings are inquisitive by nature. We are the explorers, the discoverers and the inventors. The modern civilisation is proof of that.

All this came to be because millions of people dreamed big throughout history and brought their ideas in their heads to reality and the whole race benefitted from all of that. Over time, all that integrated one by one into the fabric of our civilisation.

Now, I am not saying that your dreams and you achieving them has to change the world. What I’m saying is, don’t be afraid to dream big and don’t, even for a second, be deterred by someone telling you otherwise. That is all noise! Ignore it.

Light At The End of The Tunnel


Imagine you are stuck in a dark tunnel and all you can see is a light in the distance, your point of freedom. You would do everything you can to reach that light at the end of the tunnel, right?

That is what I believe a dream should be like. It should be such that it gives you hope, a hope for a satisfied and happy life and something you would do anything to achieve.

If there are naysayers, leave them in the dark tunnel and march on. Be the example for them that it is indeed possible to reach the light. Maybe then, they will follow the light of their own.

But whatever you do, don’t stop. Keep moving forward, even if it just crawling to your destination. The world depends on the people who are willing to dream and do something about it.

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There will always be people who will try to drag you down to their level, for the simple fact that they are unable to be as determined as you are and can't see others taking up the stage.
Unsurprisingly, these people are never in the spotlight.

That's exactly right :)

Nice post... Really motivational
Always remember that theres an oasis in a desert

Thank you so much. Yeah, good example!!

@sauravrungta beautifully Written. I am agree with you that we should dream for big goals. Yesterday Only i had a debate related to this with one of my friend During Debate my friend said me that these things looks better in books only. so stop dreaming Big and live a Ordinary Life. then I laughed and just said him that I will Meet you after 1 year. then we will see what is what and how doing.

So People are still just bounded to small Environment. They don't want to Explore Themselves and they never try for thinking something new.

by the way thank you so much for this lovely Blog.

You should have told your friend "If the great people in history would have thought the same, that these things sound better in books only, then the world today would be a completely different one. We would still be living in caves today."

People need to have guts to do something different and most don't want that. They just want to live in their comfort zone because that's what they have seen and known throughout their lives.

You made my day! Thank you very much - from my heart - for these wise words!

Thank you so much for reading. It really means a lot :)

Really out class post. i like

Thank you :)

I agree man, I don't like sceptics. Opinions are always welcome to me, but sceptics just keep blabbing at home behind their keyboard. If people want to create, we have to fail and try again till we got it.

haha, that's exactly right!!

Nice post- keep it up.
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Thank you :)

This connected to me a lot. Even though I know that it is risky to follow my dreams, I am still pursuing them because I believe in the potential.

I admit that I lose passion sometimes because of the pressure and the situation around, but I still stand and continue my work as I know someday somebody would appreciate them.

It's okay not to be okay. Tip toe if you must, but take the step.

You are doing the right thing. Yes, we do lose motivation sometimes but that is just a part of life. We need to keep pushing forward despite everything.

Yes indeed. Sometimes we learn new thing from failure. We won't realize some problems unless we fail.