Dumb Things That Villains Do In Movies That Make Me Cringe

in life •  7 years ago 


If I'm not gravely mistaken, I think it is safe to say that everyone loves to watch movies. There are a ton of movie genres and I'm sure there are movies for everyone's tastes and preferences, just like music!

The world sure produces a lot of movies every year, more than what a single person can watch in their entire lifetime. And so, things might start seeming repetitive. That's why cliches exist, I guess.

Cliches are stereotypical elements that have been so overly used that they have lost all originality and boy, do we have loads of them in movies. Although we cringe at the cliches, it is also sort of funny in a satirical way.

Today I want to talk about one such cliche that has become almost a template for action movies. I am talking about all the shenanigans that villains do in the movies. See if you have noticed the same.

Creating An Elaborate Evil Plan


Villains wouldn't be villains if they didn't have something evil on their minds. I mean that's the definition of a villain, right? So, the movies generally start with us witnessing the villain's plans in action.

The evil plans can be about world domination, world destruction, killing the hero, high stake robbery or something like that. If you have watched enough action movies as me, you'll know that villains usually come up with the most elaborate plans consisting of impossible tasks that somehow loop in the hero at the same time.

I mean, I get it!! If you want world domination, you ought to have elaborate plans. I guess. I have never tried. But the important question here is why? Why do they have such big and impossible desires?

On top of that they all have that same cliched speech that go along with the plans, "I will bring the world to its knees!!". Bravo! Then what? What's next, genius? Aliens? Would they even have knees?

Narrating The Entire Plan To The Hero Before Killing Him


Let me ask you a question. Let's say you were a villain with a plan to fulfill and there was this pesky little person trying to stop you at every corner.

Then let's say you somehow manage to capture him and tie him up in a creepy basement that you conveniently find or own. What would you do next? What would be the most logical thing to do for you?

It would be to kill him as soon as possible, right? I mean, whatever it takes for you to see your plans through, you would do it right? Then why do movie villains waste precious time narrating their whole plans to the hero right before planning to kill them?

I mean what is the point even? If you're going to kill the guy, why even bother telling them anything? Do you know how many villains would have been successful if they had just pulled that trigger instead of their mouths? Not that I would want such a thing, but I'm just saying!

Leave The Killing To The Minions


Here is another stupidity that the alleged intelligent villains end up doing in every single movie. They will go to great lengths to capture the hero, then tie them up, tell them the whole plan, and then they leave the killing to their minions.

I mean, you went through all that trouble, why wouldn't you complete the job yourself. What would it take, five seconds? But nope. How else would the hero get a chance to escape if the villain shoots them righ there and then.

Usually after the main villain leaves, the minions tend to toy with the hero and talk trash to him which sparks that heroic look on our hero's face, which motivates him to conveniently escape, with the knowledge of the villain's plan, which ends up helping him.

We all know what happens next. If the hero hasn't killed the minions already, then they are disposed off by the villain once they tell him the news of the hero's escape. I think at this point, writing a movie has become as simple as copy pasting a template full of cliches!

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Hahahaha yeah that narrating the entire plan thing is so fucking dumb man.

yeah bro! And they do it with such satisfaction on their faces! No point at all.

"Leaving the killing to the minions", and this reminded me of hell lot movies following the same concept!! The list is large!

Yeah, thousands of movies have the same thing in it. Even the big budget ones!

One movie that I found that totally uprooted the age old Villainous cliche is "The Avengers infinity wars" . If you haven't watched it,i wouldn't want to spoil it for you.But that movie really upsetted a lot of people cos they did not expect the movie to end the way it did. Plus I believe the best movie plots are those the audience don't see coming.

oh yeah, I loved the movie. And you are right, it doesn't have too many cliches at all. The ending was completely unexpected and I can't wait a whole year for the next one.

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