Everyone Is The Hero In Their Life Story

in life •  7 years ago 


I often like to watch videos on YouTube where different people put forward their views as to what the meaning of life is and in listening to their ideas, you get to understand the different interesting views towards life that are out there.

I didn’t necessarily get the answer (I think no one has it in the first place) but I did get a very interesting way of looking at one’s life, and that is to look at it as a story that is unfolding every second.

Right from your childhood, when you first begin to realize your ‘self’ and that you are you and other people are other people, you essentially view yourself as the central character or the protagonist if you will, in your own life story.

Even as adults, we are doing the same, I guess, because each one of us is living life through our own point of view and so that makes us the hero in our story, much like how we are the heroes in a video game, because we play that game through the view point of that character.

It’s All About Perception


This line of thought led me to think about yet another thing and that is the rights and wrongs of life because if you are the hero of your life, could your idea of what is wrong and what is right be highly biased?

One thing that I have noticed about us humans is that more often than not, we tend to think that the way we perceive things is the right way to do it. Yes, sometimes we realize our mistakes too, but most of the time, we believe that the way we are thinking about something particular, is the right way.

So, that means, it all comes down to perception at the end of the day, and this sort of answers some of the bigger questions about why humanity can’t seem to get along with itself, be it a small group or a larger one such as nations!

One thinks the others are wrong and vice versa but who is to say who is actually wrong. Maybe both of them are, and maybe none of them. Well, of course, for an individual, it doesn’t matter because you are the hero…..right?

Direct Your Own Life


Moving on, let’s discuss about how we can put this psychological belief to a better use. Let’s say you had a magical power to write down how your next day would be such that it would actually be as you wrote it; what would you do?

Of course you would make it simply magical, right? Who wouldn’t! We all want to lead happy lives. Ultimately it all comes down to that. A desire to have a lasting-happiness filled life.

So, if you had the power to write the story for your hero, you would of course make it the same way. Guess what? You do have the power to write that story and as the hero of your own story, you owe it to yourself to make it the best god damn story ever written!

Just stop giving excuses. You have the paper, you have the ink and you are the hero. Heck you even are the director! Get to work and create something special. Something that would inspire the other heroes that are all trying to write their own perfect story.

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These thoughts come to everyone and I am sure everyone of us is trying to find the answers to these questions or some might have gotten the answer.

I was thinking the same and I was like what is right and what is wrong and then a very intelligent person said to me

Don't go for the right or wrong, set on the journey. Who knows if this was required by the nature for us.

Yeah, there probably aren’t any answer for some of these questions and that’s what makes life beautiful :)

Beautiful .. wonderful words
We must be grateful for the opportunities that give us life
Great post

Thanks and yes, I agree :)

The article seems to be inspired by the book which I just finished, The Secret.

The secret is a great book and I am always inspired and motivated by it.

The more technical this world becomes, the more obsessed we become with our phones, our status, our money, the less we realize how great we really have it. The vast majority of people bitch and moan about things that don’t matter. The fact you’re alive, healthy, and able to work is literally a miracle. Do you realize what has to happen for you to be born, and the chances you came out as you? The odds of you being born as you are about 1 in 400 trillion, or more. Take a second and think about that, and put a smile on your face...

Thanks so much for such a great comment. I totally agree with you. We as a species are definitely not going in the right direction as far as our mentality goes. We need a wake up call it seems.

good information!!!


,,, I feel like asking myself for my own autograph

because you respect youself and that's very important in life.

Lol. Do it! 😝

And I really loved the last lines of the blog which says "You have the paper, you have the ink and you are the hero."

Thank you so much. 😊

yes sir, I also think we are the creator and shaper of our life,
We make what we think in life.😎

Don't call others SIR..This is an international community..Calling others SIR (Slave I Remain) shows your inferiority..Never be subservient to any..That should be the first rule you have to follow.

Exactly!! That’s so true.


This is so inspiring sir. I really want to write my own story to in own unique way. We have the power inside us to change our destiny and we are a real superman in our own way. Thank you for sharing.

Loved it and resteemed it @sauravrungta sir.

Thank you so much for the kind words. :)

Your left can be my right depending on where you're standing, life has taught me not to judge quickly if I haven't worn them shoes, it all comes to us all living our life the best way we can, as to me it's all a big movie and we are all actors.

Very wisely said. That's exactly what life is. A big movie with everyone a hero in their own movie.

I think that every teenager should have to read this. I have this ongoing discussion with my own son. He lives his life full of excuses about pretty much everything. I can't remember how many times I have told him that it is not about how many excuses you can come up with but rather how many solutions can you come up wit. Fix the issue, make the decision that is best and at the end all will work out.

Oh, I totally understand your situation. I have a cousin brother who is a teenager and he does the exact same thing and my aunt keeps complaining the same thing lol. I guess, even I was the same when I was a teenager. Over time we all gain maturity and start understanding how to live life. So, yeah, I would say, give him time. :)

Great philosophy of life. @sauravrungta


I do think we can change our reality with our thoughts.

Our mindset determine how we interpret the things around us, and based on that, we take action.

But, we need to understand doing big changes need a lot of time to accomplish. So apart from the mindset and the actions, we also need good patience.

Rightly said. :)

Everyone likes to regard and consider themselves the "hero" of their own particular, specific, individual story in their life. just like an author said.
"Respect your #characters, even the ­minor ones. In art, as in life, everyone is the hero of their own particular story…”

Exactly. :)

It used to bother me when people didn't think they way I do, but not anymore. I've realized that everyone is the product of their life experiences and the conditioning they've received, and that we are all on our journeys in life. :)

Exactly!! No two people can think alike. Everybody's mindset is determined by their life journey.

I agree to you @sauravrungta everyone is a hero in their own way. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for reading :)

Nice thought @sauravrungta. Our perceptions in life are based on personal experience (good or bad) and what we are made to belief from education, scriptures, books, association and other factors.

Perception and individual basis of making judgement is influenced by what he feel is right. Even with what you were born to belief, an individual can still question culture and traditional way of doing things based on his personal view. It is with this I support that we are our own hero, we have the power to say YES and No

That's right. We can learn and unlearn basically everything and that's the beauty of being a human :)

Sometimes we are not sure what to write, sometimes we experience some failures, sometimes we don't have full control of our environment....

True that. Overall you still are in control.

amazing post ,it is necessary to know the hero within our self

Thanks :) Yeah, it is very necessary to know the hero within. Only then can we achieve great things.

Absolutely! No one should judge other without going through the road in his shoes... Because we don't know what is he going through.. We judge him based on our comprehension.. May be we could do nothing if given the chance to go through his spar..

Only if everyone could think like this, the world would be a better place :)

Good thinking.

Thanks :)

agree with you brother

Thank you :)

'Rights and wrongs' are something I ponder upon.. Coz who has the right answer? It's all perception and how we understand things! Nice post :)

Yep, that's absolutely right. Nobody has the right answer and everyone is functioning based on their own understanding and perceptions.

I like to think that I am the director :)

Yes, that's true too :)

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