The Secret To A Happy Life?

in life •  6 years ago 


We all want to lead happy lives, don’t we? If you went out and asked a thousand people if they wanted to be happy or miserable, I am hundred percent certain that a hundred percent of them would choose the former. Obviously!

But why is it then that we see more sadness than happiness and more misery than joy around us? Why do we see people grumpy all the time nowadays? Or is it just me I wonder, looking at the world with a lens of negativity of my own.

Anyways, if the end goal for everyone is to be happy, then everything that we do is a means to that particular end. It might be money, love, friendship, materialistic things, experiences or anything else for that matter.

Of course everything has its own value and importance but today I want to focus on that deep rooted human need of companionship. We are all social animals and seek at least some people that we can surround ourselves with. People whom we can relate with and turn to in times of crisis.

The Secret To A Happy Life


The secret is simple. Surround yourself with people that will lift you up, that will make you smile when all you want to do is cry. People whose mere presence in your life can give you hope of a better future.

We are all made of flesh and bones but we are also made of another very important thing and that is emotions. Emotions are woven into the very fabric of our being. That’s why we seek other human beings. For comfort, for friendship, for help, for sharing and connecting on a deeper level.

Surrounding yourself with the right people, therefore, becomes key. If you make the mistake of letting even a single person who doesn’t resonate with you into your life, your whole world can be messed up!

Therefore, choose your companions on this journey of life carefully. It’s not selfish. It’s just for your happiness which is the end goal anyways right? People do far worse as means to that end.

Be Grateful About Them


Most of us take most of the things (and people) in our lives for granted. That’s a bitter truth. We only realise their importance once they are gone. If only we could value them when they were still with us!

Thankfully most of us are blessed with family and friends whom we can turn to in an instant and who would be there for us no matter what. Hold on to them tightly and let them know that you are grateful for them.

Cherish the moments of laughter amongst you, hug them, let them know time and again that they are special and be happy that you are lucky enough to have them in your life. Many people in the world do not find the right people to surround themselves with.

In any case, the journey of life is just a fleeting shadow in the grand scheme of things. So, enjoy it while it lasts and enjoy it with the people that deserve it.

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@sauravrungta I could not agree with you more! And in terms of priority ingredients when it comes to happiness, you hit the nail on the head. Gratitude for anything and everything in your life is precisely what makes the direction of the wheel change for the better.... and that includes holding a level of gratitude even for the adversities and challenges we are faced with.

As for the general dynamic of humans and human behaviour... I think you smacked that one too. What and who we surround ourselves with is a massively influential factor and is a catalyst for people behaving the way they do... but this is not limited to the people we choose to surround ourselves with... it is also applicable to our social media, music, news, environments and so much more.

Brilliant piece... and wonderful food for thought.

I totally agree with you. Gratitude is something that is lacking in a lot of people's lives, when it should be ever present. Thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it :)

My pleasure @sauravrungta - Have a super Thursday :)

Nice post I share 100% what you say. After many years, I can tell you that the distance or the absence of loved ones is what unhappiest me has done. Neither the lack of resources or luxuries has made me sad as much as having the people I love far away. But as you say, we should not give up, and do everything possible to take care of our emotions and be happy, thanks for sharing.

Yeah, it's an innate human need to be around the people you love and value. Missing them and feeling sad when they are away is natural. Thanks so much for reading :)

Couldn't agree more.
All the material things are good, but the people you love are the real treasure.
And if we're so blessed as to be loved back, we should never take it for granted.

yeah, the problem with most people is that they take their loved ones for granted and don't care for their feelings. They don't understand that it is such a rare thing these days and that those people are the real treasure, like you said.

Good article. Are you truly a happy person? i can say i am not.

Hello Troy,
Most likely you didn't mean to ask me, but I am truly a happy person. :-) Wondering how your statement seems to slightly contradict your nick... maybe I got you wrong, but anyway - wishing you to become a truly happy person! Cheers! :-)

I think everyone has some or the other sadness in life even if temporary. Yeah, his nick makes it seem like he is a truly happy person hehe

I would say that no one in this world is 100% happiness. Sometimes I feel that's bad and sometimes I feel like that's just the way life is supposed to be. Without darkness, light would have no meaning and so without sadness, we wouldn't know the value of happiness.

Having said that, no, I don't think that I am truly happy. But hey, I am not alone! We are all looking to live that ever elusive truly happy life.

I agree with everything you said. You inherit the attitude, mindset, and perspective of the people you surround yourself with, so it is extremely important that you surround yourself with positive influences that make you want to become a better person .

Yeah, there is a saying that goes "You are the company that you keep" which fits perfectly here.

Such great advice. The people we surround ourselves with play a big part in our lives. If we are surrounded by negativity and anger then that will creep into our aura. Positivity breeds positivity. Keep the negativity out of your life and surround yourself with positive vibes.

Truly said. Positivity breeds positivity. So, only keep positive people in your lives and the ones who come to your aid when you need them.

It has taken me until my 50 s to realize how toxic people especially family can pull you down. I have come to limit my interactions with these people to only what is really necessary.

Yeah, the realisation, unfortunately comes late. Thankfully I have already realised this in my 20s.