Want To Expand Your Perspective? Step Into Someone Else’s Shoes

in life •  7 years ago 


There are 7.5 billion people on the planet and we all share the same world. As Tony Stark says in the Iron Man movie, “We have an imperfect world but it’s the only one that we got.”

I feel however, that there is not just one world but 7.5 billion of them. Well, at least figuratively speaking that is. By that what I mean to say is, each person is their own world.

You see, every person is different from the other in some way or the other. As they say, no two people are alike, not even twins! We all have our own opinions on everything, and our perspective towards life differs vastly.

That’s because we are all leading different lives to each other. Since our birth, we have all had radically different life experiences that have shaped us into who we are today.

When Worlds Collide


We keep meeting new people every now and then. It might be at a bus stop, at a club, at college, online, or anywhere else for that matter. When two new people meet and talk about stuff, it’s like worlds colliding.

That’s because every single individual has a story to tell. A story so different to yours that it really opens your eyes to the fact that there are people with completely different sets of problems, opinions, skills and experiences and that you can learn a great deal from them.

Well, that is how it should happen. But, more often than not, what I notice in the modern age is that, people are quick to judge and form completely wrong opinions of other people just because they live in their cocoon of familiarity where they feel safe and where hate comes easier than love.

Haven’t we all noticed this? Many people these days are narrow minded where they feel the need to be right all the time and have simply no tolerance and/or empathy towards other people’s views. This is typically seen online but can be noticed easily in the real world too.

Step Into Someone’s Shoes

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F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” I guess, we are not first-rate intelligence after all.

There is nothing that limits you more than your limited perspectives. That’s because you would then be reluctant to new ideas and it’s these ideas that the world is run by and that have been the reason why we are where we are today, as a species.

There is one more important angle to this. Seeing things from other people’s view point is very important because it lets you see their side of the story and it really makes you understand why they do what they do or why they are the way they are.

If we could all do this, the world would be a much friendlier place where chaos and hostility wouldn’t exist and we would all be living in harmony rather than with insecurity.

It’s OK!!


I guess, as we were growing up, we simply were not taught about these things and we’ve become that way just because we see other people doing the same. So, let me tell you today that, it’s OK!

It’s ok when people have differing ideas to yours. That’s how it should be. The world would be a really boring place if we all had the same ideas all the time. There would be no progress at all!

It’s ok when some people are sometimes rude to you. They are probably having a bad day or going through a difficult time in their lives and are probably just acting out.

It’s ok when you make mistakes or when you’re proven wrong. You don’t have to be right all the time and you sure as heck don’t have to be perfect, no matter how much the world makes you think that you need to!

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I really enjoy reading your articles. Thank you again 😊

Thank you for reading :)

A very intelligent post~
I often say that world travel is one of the best educations one can get. Especially when one visits non touristy areas and stays in small local places and interacts with the actual local cultures.
As you say there really are 7.5 billion worlds as we are all experiencing it differently!
This is all the more reason to travel, discuss and empathize with people.
I like this post. Seems like you post some stuff I would like to see and interact with. Hope to see you soon!

Yes, you are absolutely right. I hadn't even thought about that. Travelling really opens your minds to these different worlds and really makes you think about the more important things in life. I think, and I am sure, that it changes you and the way that you think.

Glad you agree and that you are now aware of something you had not yet thought about. That is why I shared in hopes to contribute something of value to the post!
Great to connect with you. Hope to see more good posts!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's a very valid point you made in this post. We are always so engrossed with our own way of thinking that we fail to comprehend the perspective of other people. I think this where the quality of selflessness comes into picture. We should realize we are just a tiny dot in the entire picture, we cannot be right all the time.

Twinkle, Twinkle little Stars, How I wonder what you are.

Congratulations! You got a one (★) Star/s Rating from Steem-stars and your post has been upvoted by @steem-stars, This was base on the content you have been shared to me and to all the people in this Universe.

If you want to know more about me feel free to ask and explore in Universe.

Yes, we need to look at the bigger picture all the time. It sounds simple but is rarely done by people anymore.

Enjoyed reading this. I always say that if people would just wake up and change their perception, they could then in turn change their lives. It's realizing that if there is something in our lives we don't like or want to change, we need to change the way we are looking at those things.

Yeah, a change in perception is really required at times especially if you want to turn your life around. Sometimes all we are doing is fooling ourselves and we really need to wake up to the reality and deal with it accordingly.

Excelent post!

Thank you :)

Very informative and furthermore very factual much respect

Thank you :)

i require 0.002 steem can you transfar i give 5 vote to your 5 post

Very informative post

Thank you :)

I really like your post, your post is very useful for me and I will wait for the next post. Have a good day for your friends

Thank you :)

Well said !! (-:

Thank you :)

You got my vote and a resteem :)

Thank you :)

very nice post.,..!!!
followed you...!!

Thank you :)

I loved Fitzgerald's quote on intelligence! When I think about putting myself in other's shoes and still function, I consider the fact that one of the hardest things to do is knowing your right, and letting others win regardless.

I think of life like a game. Some are playing chess and some are playing checkers. Those who show a first rate intelligence are able to jump between both games effortlessly! Great post!

Yes, that's a sign of a truly intelligent person. Most people just can't swallow their pride and would rather go with their own seemingly wrong decisions that let the other people win.

It probably stems from the belief that we are all different and special in our own way, when really each of our existences are completely irrelevant in the grand scheme! Once we figure out that we aren't special, the real learning and living can begin!

excelente contenido me gustó y buen reflexión, buen post !!

Thank you :)

You present a very rational approach to a very complex problem that is rampant in human nature. You are right in what you say, and it does, to many, appear that some of these things should be common sense such as understanding that we are all unique individuals.

In the perfect world, we would have this figured out. However, I feel that since not being able to understand others is nearly engrained in most of us, the real battle won is just having the understanding that being open minded and caring of others is the best we can do. Great thoughts and a pleasing article here. Cheers

Yes, I agree totally with you. It's not a perfect world and what should be common sense isn't. I am an optimist however and believe that people can be better :)


A lot of that rings true especially about the need to be right. We can all be arseholes like that so for me a few minutes per day of self reflection is valuable. Put yourself in your own shoes, we are so stimulated with what's going on around us we forget what we are trying to achieve ourselves and this may be just something as simple as being a nice guy.

Yes, self reflection is very much needed. I wish more people do that.

This article describes one word: empathy. We need more empathy in this world. Keep up the encouragement!

Upped and resteemed! Thank you so much for sharing!

Yes, that's what I was trying to do. Glad you could understand :)

I totally agree with the idea that we should expect others to have differing ideas and that there is nothing wrong with being proven wrong. However, I struggle with totally agreeing with the idea that it's okay for people to sometimes be rude. For example, you could be having a bad day where you find yourself snapping at someone unfairly. Whilst not ideal, if you later acknowledged that you'd been snappy and apologised, then you might be forgiven for snapping. However, if you were the type of person to fail to carry out some self-reflection and acknowledge that you may have treated another person unfairly, then being rude to someone even sometimes is not acceptable as that would possibly indicate that you thought it was okay to be rude to another fellow being without any consideration of the impact you may have had on their well-being.

Yes, I totally understand your point. But I was talking from the point of view of the person to whom the other person was being rude. Doesn't matter if the person who is rude self reflects or not, (how would I even know that he did). From my perspective, well, let it be. Might have been having a rough day.

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading :)

I really like this article. It is something I personally have been trying to do for a while now.

Thanks for sharing!

That's very good! Thanks for reading :)

Oh Wow! I love this blog! :) I love meeting people who are not like me, there is always so much to learn and so many ways to view life! :)

Yes, life is just so beautiful. We just need to be able to see :)

Hi, @sauravrungta

Thanks for sharing this powerful article. I was really blessed when i was reading it.

I think, Humans are a product of NATURE AND NURTURE. Nature comprises of our Environment while Nurture comprises of our believes. Everyone was brought up in a different way.

But the solution is LOVE. Being tolerant with everybody is the solution to the problems we face in the world today. Let us love one another as we love ourselves

I'm now following you @sauravrungta. And I'm resteeming your post now.

Love is always the answer my friend :)