Why You Should Date A Writer

in life •  8 years ago 


Creative people are an interesting bunch. All of us know at least a few of them in our lives and we are all aware of how intriguing they are. Be it musicians, painters, designers, writers, it’s almost as if they perceive reality itself differently.

It’s beautiful to see them work and if you have such friends, your life really becomes more interesting as you are constantly given a taste of the more abstract side of things.

They really have a profound impact on people around them in ways they might not even be aware of and are often the silent source of inspiration and motivation for many.

That’s why, in my opinion, one of the best things that can happen to you is if you manage to get a creative soul as your special someone. Let me tell you why I think so, by taking an example of writers and why you should date them.

Flawless Communication


In any relationship, communication is one of the most important factors at play. We are basically bags of emotions and feelings and it is really healthy to be able to share them with someone.

If you date a writer, communication won’t ever be a problem because that’s literally their bread and butter; to convey thoughts and feelings in the best way possible. And since they also love listening, you could tell them anything and everything you want to, without the fear of bogging them down.

Also, conversations will never get boring as writers always know how to keep the discussions going, as they are knowledgeable about a variety of things. You could have talks about the silliest of things and you could also have the deepest and most meaningful of talks.

Passion - The Secret Ingredient


Creative people in general, are really passionate beings. Writers for example, tap into their innermost feelings to be able to write a really touching story or a poem and their passion becomes the reason for their various masterpieces.

Having such people in your life means you could be kept feeling special as they could literally tell you in a thousand different ways what you mean to them or why they want to be with you. They could also write about you or mention you subtly in their works or even create an entire fictional character based on you.

Such is their passion for things and people that they decide they want in their lives. It keeps the spark alive and that is very important for a healthy relationship.

They Have A Beautifully Different View of the World


As I said before, creative people tend to have a totally different view of the world than other people. Somehow they perceive things in a much greater detail and are therefore more aware of what’s happening around them.

Writers for example are very observant and can immediately understand what you are going through even though you want to hide it for their sakes. They can then turn a seemingly bad situation into a good one by changing your perception towards it. Who doesn’t want that kind of positivity in their lives?

Dating a writer could very well turn you into a positive, free-spirited person too as slowly but surely you start to look at the world as they do and you begin seeing beauty and artistry everywhere you look.

Really Flexible Lives


Most writers do not have the typical 9-5 job and therefore live really flexible lives. A lot of them work from the comfort of their homes or anywhere else that they feel comfortable getting their thoughts on paper.

This allows them to adjust their schedule according to yours to spend more time with you, which is also a very important thing when you are dating someone. Spending more time with someone creates a feeling of bonding and helps you understand each other better.

Since most of the times all a writer needs is his laptop (or his pen and book), you could even travel the world while being able to work at the same time! Now that’s a life worth living for.

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I would like a flexible job. Maybe this this is not so far.
The writers looks a little dreamers. That isn't a bad thing.

A flexible job is the best job. I think we are starting to see a lot of such instances in the world now.

While you have given many reasons for "Why you should date a writer", here is a reason for "Why you shouldn't date a writer" : Whenever he expresses something you can never make out if it is his real feelings or if it is his creative juices at work ;)

haha that's a good point!

Men shouldn't date woman period. Tom Leykis.

Just don't screw them over. Some of the funniest blog posts I've ever read were by spurned lovers.

LOL I know right!! haha

I agree with everything in this post!...of course I'm a writer myself so am slightly biased!


Are these just reasons for people to date you. XD

I don't consider myself to be strictly a writer. So, no! :P

I agree with you on every words!! In my life I met many creative people, writers, painters, etc and everyone give me "something" and help me to see differents views of the worlds ^_^

Yes, that has been my experience as well :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes...right you are.. Writers are awesome. Everyone should date writers as they are with many virtues that any partners would love to see those virtues in their partners.

But one thing I would like to mention, it is also heard, partners of writers saying that their writer partners don't have time to talk to them as they are always thinking and writing...

Well I suppose it comes down to the individual then.

Well, many regular writers (not George RR Martin), I keep hearing about, have some boring-ass inflexible jobs because they cannot make a living on writing alone. Others don’t have to work, but that’s often courtesy of their stable partner, so technically they’re not datable any longer. I know, I’m poking holes again... Good post BTW :-)

haha, that is quite often the case too. Thanks for reading :)

Yes indeed I am considering the option now :D Specially I do appreciate the time flexibility as I am not working 9-5 :)

Yeah, the flexibility thing is a real gem in today's world, isn't it?

I think I love the most their different view of the world. In some way that kind of people makes us to think out of box and deeper than usualy.

Yes, it's always great to be able to expand your perception. Such a beautiful thing, it is!

I've liked your post. I write sometimes, and when I'm going to writer I need to be in a state of inspiration because I can to see the things with other eyes or to connec my feels whith my mand and hands. Congratulations @sauravrungta, You had be inspiration for to write the post.

Thank you so much for reading :)

Yes there are many benefits to dating a creative person or writer. They will definitely make the relationship interesting and exciting. They are probably more flexible and diversified in the bedroom too However creative people are often married to their career or have a career that encourages less commitment to the one you date. The lifestyle of musicians for example lends itself to alternative styles of living addictions and multiple partners. Creative folks run a higher risk of depression and mental health issues. Also creative people sometimes live on the edge financially and in their lifestyle. That does not bode well for someone who needs stability. Many creative people are dreamers and was it not Kenny Rodgers who warned us not to fall in love with a dreamer? Good post. Thanks. - Troy

There are always bad things in good and good things in bad. At the end of the day, I think it comes down to the individual how they want to handle the commitment thing.

Now this is what I have been itching to read. Please writers are awesome. Date us :)

haha! I know right :P

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

As a writer you are working on the expansion of human knowledge. That is a very admirable goal. Thus a writer is generous and helpful. Two great personality traits I would date anytime if I was single :)

Yeah, the expansion of human knowledge is really important imo too!

If you date a writer, communication won’t ever be a problem because that’s literally their bread and butter; to convey thoughts and feelings in the best way possible.

Try dating a poet once....she will eat out your brains.
But a good article....will show this when I will propose someone next time.

Lol have you any experience? ;)

You can only imagine.

While you have given many purposes behind "Why you should date an author", here is an explanation behind "Why you shouldn't date an essayist" : Whenever he communicates something you can never make out in the event that it is his genuine emotions or on the off chance that it is his innovative energies at work ;)

Hey @sauravrungta , would love to offer to come onto my podcast sometime.

It is about people doing remarkable things, whether entrepreneurs or not.
Where we talk about what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.

Here is the playlist of the existing episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5CpCNPna6p95oJfKPew0N3ZT0k-khdgg

It is audio only over skype. Does this sound of interest to you?

I've always heard the opposite said and believe that to probably be more true, but I'd like to think otherwise. I feel like I write well and communicate terribly:) I always thought that was fairly applicable to writerly people.

Ahh I see. Well, different people have different experience about the same things I guess.

That is true. I'd be happy to try dating a writer if I weren't already married. I think it would lead to some great conversations and observation exchanges. Still, though, the warning to never date a writer because you'll end up in one of his/her stories rings loud in my ears;)

It could be other way too. Communicating with writers is not always easy if you too are not of the same caliber in expressing yourself or grasping what is being expressed. I think for both to be on same page, their frequencies should match too. Nevertheless, dating a writer should be an uplifting experience in itself.

Yeah, but the writer would understand that, no? I mean he would be aware of that fact and act accordingly. IMO

Interesting text. The writers are hidden superheroes! :)

They sure are :)

Good point but as an artist I am often too melancholic and a lot of people find it's hard to deal with. But I do agree on artist giving inspiration to others. I have a lot of people come to me and said my passion towards my art is inspiring.

Yeah, they are so inspiring. I have been moved so many times due to many artists. It really is something.

All though these are all very valid points and arguments, and as an aspiring writer myself I would obviously like to encourage people to date me, but writing is a time-consuming business and can cause one to disconnect from everyone and everything for long periods of time to get a piece done, which might not be appreciated by a partner.

Oh yes, that can happen too.

Good thing I'm practing my writing on Steemit! Hahah makes me more datable now 😆😝🤣

LOL!! Datability is now like a pokemon. Level up as you practise more!! haha

Super true. Every person I date always gets better. Only goes up not down. 😝

I could date E. L. James... she wrote "50 Shades of Grey". She's not that cute but... could teach me some stuff! And she as a passion and different way to see the world... :bowtie:


Can you imagine @sauravrungta?! Pretty savage!!!

I am happily married but I can see as a creative person how nice it would be to have another creative person as your partner. There is definitely a different way of being when you are a creative mind. Nice post!

Yes, the life would surely be quite different. Or at least that is what I imagine.

Romantic idea about dating a writer. What about an opposing point of view? 🐓🐓

Maybe you can write one ;)

You challenge me. I like that! What posting is supposed to do. Challenge people to be better. Will think on this topic. Doubt it would be as polished. Thanks for the push. 🐓🐓