Paradoxical Livings

in life •  8 years ago 

Some day when life is apparently not good, like we feel missing and start thinking "why me?" ...There lies a potential of change. It isn't how we feel that this is negative energy or an entropic zone but it in reality is a transition zone where we have both potentials a positive as well as a negative and it's so differentially small that we can't even manage to think of or we feel like we don't have enough response time but actually what needed is to apply a brake that is to know what actually it is.

                 Let us analyse this as we are living in the three dimensional universe so what we can analyse is all up to 2nd dimension. Let us think of a coin that has two sides and a small thickness. On one side there is a panic scenario and to the other its enthusiasm or some other kind of positive scenario. When the coin is gradually put by someone it can have any condition like if u are ten ruppees coin (it's we who decide our value, why to value less then )  we can even stand up straight but its someone else who is controlling us or we are his slave.
                Now let the coin be tossed....high up in the air reached the peak and falling down feeling massless. Free from any materialistic control.

                Do you know why is it improbable to guess whether the coin will fall on either of the sides? The way it happens because it's perfectly balanced so that the apparent center of oscillation and the center of gravity lies at the same point.

               Have you ever watched fake casino dies?(at least in movies...or catch them in oceans series) How do they bias it? ...Easier mechanics of balance toys is applied not much mathematics....

                So how? They just push the concentration of die load on the side opposite to their favored number (or just alter the density of die).

                What life needs is not to be balanced but it requires to find the right side of any case and to bias the condition....cause to live it needs a balance we just breathe...

                Balance is not what u want....balance is the evil side of life which leads nothing. If u are having a chaos u are having the highest living potential.

                The only thing to say is ,don't be in that entropic zone, the hill looks beautiful but the molecules there know that they are in an arrest for human's sake of observation (that they become slave of humans) Don't be that.  People always want a control over you, hence want you to be balanced.

                 Balance is a willfully accepted paradox as a principle, but the axiom of success hates it. It doesn't lead the path from source to destination it just stagnates us at the center of percussion of life -the sweet spot, not to feel any pain but aftermath being there lies nothing not even a single reaction.

Apparently yours,

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