3 Reasons Why You Should Have A Pet Cat

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Who doesn't like a big fluffy ball of fur prancing around the house claiming it as its own little kingdom? Of course everyone does! You'd be crazy not to!

Cats sure are high maintenance, but they're still tender, fun to play with and get along purrfectly well with children.

  • They don't get the credit they deserve


According to Andrea Arden, an Animal Planet Pet Expert and professional pet trainer, "Cats sometimes don't get the credit they deserve. They are often seen as solitary, aloof creatures." However, this may not always be true. Cats can flourish in a household with kids. They can learn certain tricks and how to play games that are conventionally related to dogs.

  • They don't need to be taken out for walks


Cats sure as hell don't need to be taken out for walks since they use your house as their personal gym. The whole place is their treadmill! Cats spend lots of time lying around judging everyone around them. This results in them bottling their energy. But they do have energy to burn just like any other animal, and the racing around could be a way of them burning that off.

  • Cats may just keep you medically fit


According to researchers, people that have cats usually are granted earlier release from the hospital. They visit the doctor less and lower levels of stress are also recorded. Having a cat may also lessen your threat of heart disease.

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Cats sure as hell don't need to be taken out for walks since they use your house as their personal gym. The whole place is their treadmill! Cats spend lots of time lying around judging everyone around them. This results in them bottling their energy. But they do have energy to burn just like any other animal, and the racing around could be a way of them burning that off.

Ya you true, this article very useful

All true, plus they can let themselves in and out and don't mind being left a few days, with adequate food and water!

Cats are great, just please people don't dress them up in crazy costumes!