Thoughts on the Class of 2018, and A Question for Readers

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

This weekend I attended my niece’ s high school graduation in Knoxville, Tennessee. I suppose it’s a testament to my short memory that I always dread going to graduations and then almost invariably end up enjoying them.

The Farragut High School Class of 2018 graduation was no exception. I wasn’t excited to attend, but I’m very glad that I did, both because I got to see my niece walk, and because I got to witness some incredibly impressive young folks (her among them).

Fully 25% of the (rather large) class graduated with a 4.0 or higher! The cynic in me is tempted to assume that’s just grade inflation (which became a real issue once states like Tennessee started giving away free college to folks with sufficiently high GPAs), but after listening the the commencement addresses and hearing other stats about the class, I’m not so sure. They were an impressive group of kids by any measure, and to say that I was comforted that our future world will be in good hands is an understatement.

However, one thing stunned me about the commencement speeches. Despite the impressiveness and success of this graduating class, and despite the Golden Age that we currently live in, each speaker made comments suggesting that America’s Class of 2018 as a whole had faced down unprecedented levels of difficulties during their upbringing. While the speakers were optimistic about their own and their high school graduating class’s prospects, they were very down on the prospects of the world as a whole. Seemingly, they fully believe that the challenges faced by the Class of 2018 rival those of The Greatest Generation.

Given humanity’s known Negativity Bias (the tendency to remember and re-experience the bad things in our lives more than the good) and Optimism Bias (the tendency to believe that, while I may be fine, most other people are really suffering), perhaps this dour worldview is no surprise. Even so, it’s demonstrably false, and clinging to falsehoods can’t be good for this class or for humanity as a whole.

To demonstrate just how good the Class of 2018 has had it, I’m going to make a daily post here comparing various measures of human wellbeing as experienced by the Class of 2018 verses their ancestors. I will draw heavily on the extensively researched and documented work of Harvard Professor Steven Pinker as published in his most recent book “Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress”. I humbly suggest that this book should be required summer reading for every member of the Class of 2018 (and frankly everyone else who has not already read it).

However, having had multiple conversations on this subject with many people already, I can vouch for the fact that humanity’s collective ego is currently HEAVILY invested in, and attached to, the idea that we live in an especially difficulty and challenging time—that the world is both more challenging and more dangerous than ever. For that reason, any evidence that I (or Pinker) may offer that contradicts this view is likely to be dismissed, most often on the basis that we are “measuring the wrong thing.” For instance, if I show conclusively how worldwide life expectancy has doubled (and in the richest nations nearly tripled) over the last century and a half, a common retort is often “a longer life of misery is nothing to be proud of”, or something like that.

I can’t persuade folks that we live in a Golden Age unless I specifically address the things that are important to them. So, in my promised future posts, I both want to measure and compare the things that you, the reader, believe to be important indicators of human well-being while also preventing readers from constantly moving the goal post on me. With that in mind, I have a question that I’d like as many people as possible to answer via comments on this post:

What do YOU consider to be the most important indicators or measures (whether objective or subjective) of humanity’s overall well-being?

Don’t research the issue. Don’t let other people’s opinions change yours. Just search your feelings and let me know from your gut what factors you believe indicate or measure human wellbeing.

Please respond via comments. Over the next many days, I will address those things and more.

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I'm more curious as to the reasons you are hearing as to why this group of people thinks things are particularly bad at the moment for them. The job situation has improved over the last decade or so, violent crime is down overall I believe, technology has made things possible that other generations never dreamed about, etc... I'd like to hear the main complaints :)

Nice writing about this short trip...and you ask a question at the end of your writing,well,actually has been asked by the humans since the begining of humanity. So he answers were the food,health and a home for the old people.In fact answers are not chaged,still are the same but human changes. I mean the human-beings are greedy creatures because of their creation. They buy a house and they buy one more time and at same thing is for the cars and clothes and all the other things.

So i say for the answer people makes people happy. Because all the houses cars and the other things that we bought,buy and will buy are temporary. But friends are not temporary.

And one more thing from Aragorn's poem:

The beautiful things save the world // and everything that starts with loving a person

thank you for sharing and have a nice day my friend...

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.

Education and school are two different things.. I believe the major issue facing this generation is the belief that school is the only way to be educated and therefore lots of potential are lost trying to meet up with the school system.. There are many ways to be educated

This is quite a piece. My answer to the question would be, freedom to create, recreate, reproduce. This should not be subject to educational background, family structure or limitations of any sort, environmental constraints -social, political, economic. When humans are given a common ground to bring something new into existence (whether good or bad), they grow more stabilized and secure emotionally. His decision making ability grows and is defended by his ego and self will. I believe this is the very foundation that the essence of the human's well-being is (or should be) built on. My subjective view though. Thanks @sean-king, these are important topics we often ignore.

education is the key to success
without education we can't do anything in the world

great post bro i really like this type post because this post is very helpful for think for humanity that's no one think.i red your all old post..wish you best of luck and keep posting....

Well, I don't know if you mean generally or just in your country @sean-King. I am looking forward to how you would sort through this indicators , although I think your opinion might not be universal. For me, an indicator is Health and finances.

In the past, the aim of the development plans was to increase the average income of the individuals. Today, however, this traditional view loses its validity. Intangible deprivations have become increasingly considered in development policies. The happiness level of a society is also due to these variables. Studies on development aim to increase human well-being. Spatial distribution of happiness rates as a prosperity indicator shows in which regions inadequacies welfare practices. It is also important to give direction to policy towards resolution. The economic and sociological situation of the individual is shaped by the advantages and disadvantages of the geographical features that the space has.With happiness being an abstract concept, when the distribution pattern is evaluated, it is seen that happy and unhappy individuals in many countries concentrate in certain areas. This shows that the abstract phenomenon of happiness is shaped by concrete facts. For this reason, the concept of happiness needs to be evaluated from a geographical point of view
I think that happiness is an important indicator. Thank you for your article informative and questioning.

and if you have time, you look at my work makes me happy.

That’s wild! I was in Tenneseee this past weekend also. Although I was in Nashville at a Steem meetup.

Glad you got to come back and see more of your family.

Wellbeing for me means to be in tune with nature. I strongly believe that our disconnection from nature and cruelty that we cause it is the reason for far more troubles in the world that we usually consider. We are not designed for this cage life and our mental and physical health suffer a lot from it. So that’s my answer - the way we communicate with nature and our ability to take what she has for us is a great prerequisite for our wellbeing.