WATER CONTAMINANTS: Avoiding Fluorosilicic Acid And Other Chemicals

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Why I distill my water...
Distillation is not much different to the natural process of evaporation to precipitation (rain water) when in a clean unpolluted environment.
Distilling is simply boiling water into steam which is then collected, leaving any contaminants behind.
I have been drinking distilled (pure) water for over three years now and have noticed nothing but positive effects to my overall health, my skin is clear, I have far more energy and I've had no sickness since.
Whenever I have given distilled water to my guests I have had nothing but positive feedback immediately followed by "where can I get one?".


(ABOVE) Toxic industrial sludge extracted from 12L of tap water, or roughly four days of drinking water per person. The chemical smell coming out of this thing was so strong that I had to wear a mask and wear gloves to prevent skin rashes.

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Through my research I have seen arguments on both sides concerning distilled water, with some nutritionists and naturopaths agreeing that it is not only good for you but the best, while some doctors and practitioners claim it leaches minerals out of the body. This can sound quite scary and I do agree that it leaches minerals, however through my research I have concluded that these minerals they speak of are nothing more than inorganic substances that the body cannot breakdown and therefore must be cleansed from the body.
Maintaining a healthy diet with plenty of raw fruit and vegetables will provide the body with the organic minerals it needs, however if you are still afraid of distilled water leaching minerals I recommend adding a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar to three litres of water, enough to restore essential minerals without affecting the taste.


In terms of hazardous chemicals found in most tap water I find distillation is the easiest and most effective process to avoid them.
Regular carbon filters do an excellent job at filtering inorganic minerals, however it will not filter most chemicals such as fluoride (now a confirmed neurotoxin according to The Lancet medical journal).

There are three types of fluoride used to “fluoridate” water supplies:

  • Fluorosilicic acid
  • Sodium fluorosilicate
  • Sodium fluoride.

Fluorosilicic acid is the type most often used for cost reasons, and it is derived from phosphate fertilisers according to the CDC’s website.

Folks these corporate criminals are using us as their private dumping ground for their industry byproducts and getting away with it by claiming it’s good for our oral hygiene.
Water is life, so make sure to get the best quality you can, it will make a world of difference to your health.
Ultimately it is up to you to decide what is best for you through your own research and if this information simply encourages just one person to question things and to not just rely on the established narrative then I have done my job.

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