How to Cultivate a Healthy Mind

in life •  7 years ago 

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Everything has an effect on your mind, and your mind has an effect on everything.

For example, if you want to feel happy, you can smile and you’ll start to feel happy. Or you can feel happy and then you’ll start to smile.

If you want to feel organized, you can organize your home, which will organize your mind. Or you can organize your mind, which will help organize your home.

To cultivate a healthy mind, therefore, you also want to be cultivating a healthy body and a healthy environment.

To cultivate a healthy mind you should embrace your emotions, be grateful for everything, and cultivate awareness. To cultivate a healthy mind with your body you could breathe deeply, smile, and give yourself a hug. To cultivate a healthy mind with your environment you could take a walk, end those bad relationships, and do work that you love.

Everything connects back to your mind and your mind connects back to everything. Be aware of this, act accordingly, and you will live a happier life.

"Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." ― Leonardo da Vinci

"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop." ― Rūmī










🤯 This video is opinion.


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You are a true inspiration for our community, keep up the good work and share your insights Sebastian . Congrats

Thank you, appreciate it! :)