Gender-Based Violence Prevention In India Due To Human Rights Lawyer @senseicat

in life •  7 years ago 

Gulika Reddy knows first hand what it is like to have rights violated based on identity differences. In India, gender based violence has become accepted as the norm and the anger inspired her to become the change.

gender based violence.png

Gulika became a human rights attorney and focused her energy on awareness and free legal assistance for women. She also founded a nonprofit, Schools of Equality, in an effort to shift attitudes in younger generations to "reflect and examine their own attitudes and unconscious biases, question notions of power and privilege related to gender and its intersections, and foster diversity and inclusion by respecting each other’s rights."

Source: the good news network

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The photos are so amazing I just saw a picture like this that very good thanks have shared @senseicat

Yeah in Inda they take the gender roles too seriously

Great Post @senseicat and the photos are so many pretty.