Searching For Alternative Natural Remedies For Attention Deficit Disorder & ADHD @senseicat

in life •  7 years ago 

I have a young pre-teen son has been exhibiting many characteristics of ADD. It is a common diagnosis as I have heard many parents talk about putting their child on medication to address the issue. I am very concerned about advocating pharmaceuticals into a child.

My son is an excellent student and takes advanced courses in middle school and he forgets to listening completely, follow instructions, and often he seems like he hears a portion of what he is being told. It leads to 20 questions if you are trying to extract simple information from him and an exercise in patience. It also makes homework and projects more difficult and time consuming. Instead of answering questions for a video, he will answer the questions for each section of the video because he did not understand or follow the instructions. He may spend up to 20 hours for a project that should take a few hours.


I admire his work ethic immensely and he never utters a complaint about putting in extended hours, not even as the end of the school year is approaching. I am hoping to help improve his focus and concentration so that it benefits him now and in the future.

Currently, I am giving him 1,000 mg. of high quality omega 3 supplements daily and I have noticed some improvement. He exercises daily around 2 hours per day including extracurricular activities, PE, and general outdoor play.

The teacher who always wrote "very social" on his report card recently mentioned that he had "an exceptional day of ....not interrupting the class."

What alternatives recommendations for a natural remedy are available from our Steemit community please?

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, @senseicat.

Try looking at chinese medicine. At least have a consultation. Chinese medicine understands the body in a more holistic sense.

It's basis is the yin and yang theory.

Yang is the active force.

Yin is the receptive form.

Yin and yang are two opposite enrgies that exist within us. When they are in balance there is synergy and our body and mind function optimally and efficiently.

When yin and yang are out of balance diseases and illness can set in.

In the case of ADHD there is too much Yang (hyperactive energy) and not enough Yin (receptive listening, attention, learning, absorbing and concentration).

So the key to solving the problem would be to reduce the excess yang and increase the deficient yin. How to do it? I personally don't know but a traditional chinese medicine practitioner could.

The video that explains the theory of yin and yang starts at 7 min mark.

I think that the current system fails to understand what has been named "ADHD". In today's world everybody has to conform and follow the pattern that the system dictates. In addition, it serves the pharmaceutical industry to keep prescribing drugs. Some kids need more dedication and a modified teaching curriculum. I think that you are doing good by focusing in omega 3's and extracurricular activities. I am not a psychiatrist, but I am a physician though.

Thank you very much for your input. I have more faith in physicians than the field of psychiatry. I agree that the pharmaceutical industry is profiting billions without a lot of consequence for side effects.

It happens in different specialties, with different conditions. My advise is to know your physician and establish a good connection

Drugs are not the way to deal with problems of the mind - unless critical.

Good to hear that your child is doing great (I wan't aware of his condition before). It's even better to know that his care is in hands of an excellent parent :-)

I agree with your information. I liked your thinking too.

Is he showing the same results in all subjects or particular subject/subjects?

His teachers say that he is focused in all subjects at school except the last one of the day where he has a large friend group and all the kids are extra social. However; I personally spend hours each evening organizing his binder, asking questions, going over homework, helping him with projects, and I know many parents simply do not have the time or interest to spend this much time every weekday afterschool and on the weekends.

I think you should not go for medicines. He must be tired towards the last class of the day. Also there is a possibility that he lacks interest in that particular class. I am still a student and I always forget quickly what we have in the class in which I have no interest. On the other hand, I remember classes in which I have interest very well.

There are significant short term and long term ramifications and yes, you are right that he is not as interested in the subject and the teacher is not patient, which is somewhat understandable if the majority of the class are talkative.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Exactly. Instead of going for medicines, I would say you should study with him for that subject on priority. As soon as his interest develops, he will focus it. I have two major classes: Antenna and Signal Processing. I have no interest in antenna and will always feel sleepy in the class plus the teacher is not that good. On the other hand, the teacher discusses everything with the students in the signal class and I listen to every word carefully

I would say to leave him alone and let him enjoy learning his way. You have stated he is a good student. It sounds like he already has teachers picking at him. How much more criticism does he need?

Я думаю это всего лишь веяние эпохи и другие интересы! Раньше было по-другому! Не беспокойтесь сильно! Это норма!

I would say to leave him be. You said he is a good student. Let him enjoy learning his way. How much criticism does he need?

What matters most is what you feel as a parent, if you see that your child is happy and live a healthy life as well as this, then do not depend on drugs that eventually could become addicted, unless you really need it, if not then be well

ADHD is a condition associated with a chemical imbalance. There are many students who have focus/concentration difficulties who would not meet a diagnosis in the category of ADHD. They are issues that make learning difficult for the child and challenging for the teachers and parents. It is more typical than you think.

I would say to leave him be. You said he is a good student. Let him enjoy learning his way. How much criticism does he need?