Loving you means Dealing with a lot of circumstances and baring with the pain of seeing you away from me,loving you mean's I have to set aside my jealous side and understand you all the time.
To understand that not all the time I will be the apple of your eye.
Loving you means waiting for the right time though I want now to be the right time.
Loving you means that I need to be patient,someday everyone will know about us
Loving you means freeing my time whenever you need me,because I will always be there no matter what
Loving you is getting hurt by the truth that I'm free and your not,but I will be willing to wait
Loving you means believing that you will fulfill your promise of coming back to me no matter how far you may go
Loving means being hurt,but believing its worth all the pain
Loving you means seeing my future in your eyes
Loving you is accepting all your flows and finding it cute though others think its not
Loving you is wanting to see you every seconds,every minute and not wanting to part from you
Loving you means saying I LOVE YOU all the time without getting tired of saying it😍😘😘😘😘