FREE money, and I am a fricking trillionaire!

in life •  6 years ago 

Screenshot_2018-11-22  shepz1.png

Steemit coding bugs aside.

My mother told me last night, that one of the trust funds she set up when my dad died (I was only little and do not remember him) has matured, or paid out some interest today, and she is giving each of us, there are 4 of us, £5,000.00 today. ($6,500.00 US.)

The last payment was £20,000.00 7 years ago, and that went on holidays all around the world, including a 3 month foray into Dubai, Hong Kong, Thailand for a moth at xmas, Bali, Singapore, Thailand for 2 weeks in Bangkok, 2 weeks again in Hong Kong to buy old fashioned valves for amplifiers, Dubai then back to Birmingham (UK).

Interestingly enough, for me anyway. The items I shipped back from Bali in a large container, more than covered the £7,000 cost of the trip!.

So here I am in a way, still living off that £20,000.00, now with £5,000 more.

You would think I would feel elated by it would you not? I am not though, due to me coming to realize most of the problems in the world are down to this crappy fiat folding stuff. I know, I know, stop moaning about free money you ungrateful runt.


What am I going to do with it? Nothing.

That's right absolutely nothing!

I spent the night last night sitting in a chair, thinking about what I needed with regards to buying "stuff" and I came up with a total blank! Not a bloody thing. I even fell asleep in that rocking chair, to be woken up at 5 am by my good lady who dragged me to bed.

What do people do with free money anyway?

I get my pension also in a few weeks, when the ombudsman rules against my PPS scammers, so there is another bonus.

So my day now is consumed, with what do I want, and I am getting no nearer to any idea, than I was last night.

Maybe I will buy some more steem whilst it is cheap, I just do not for now know.

It is the little pleasures in life I enjoy the most. Watching my daughter grow up, watching her learn new skills, do new things. And I suppose that is the reality is it not. It is not now, all about "me"................

I hope you are having a superb week also, catch you later on today.

Images courtesy of steemit wallet and pixabay.

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Hope you work out something good to do with the money. You sound like me i don't buy anything much these days unless for the motorhome and some Steem Power :) Having a good week thanks and hope you are to mate :)

Still drawing a total blank to be honest. I was going to buy a few more motorbikes next week anyway, so nothing changes with that. Maybe I will buy something nice for my good lady.
Having a superb week here, thanks for asking. Stay awesome my friend.

Please give us an update on the new bikes when you get them. Great idea i think to get something for your lady:) Cheers buddy :)

I have ordered a Yamaha tzr 125, as they are getting rare now, and looking for a good sort of trials bike, on off road jobby for around the land. Maybe a quad bike too, as my daughter loves riding on them.

For sure I will update you on the arrivals.

Very nice mate and i just sold my quad bike a few weeks ago.

You are one of the few who are in control of their ego urges it seems. Massive congrats to your blank ideas... It is admirable in a world where most people are in debt constantly buying stuff they have no need for.

The answer will come eventually and feel awesome and unmistakable

Thanks my new friend.
I have not had debt for many many moons, no overdraft, no credit card, no mortgage or loans. Never had credit for anything, always paid cash.
Where I live now, Poland, is the polar opposite to where I grew up, the UK.

Nobody seems to need the latest phone, the best car, the expensive watches and all that crap.
So I suppose in a way, I can thank my surroundings, for wanting nothing else. :-)

Hope you have a superb weekend also.

For many people it's not so much trying to decide what to buy with fiat as, is it enough to keep paying those bills and daily cost which keep coming in? Particularly the taxes and levies as the government rakes it all back in. If it were us that would be a chunk off the mortgage. Well done for getting into a position where you need to puzzle over what to spend it on! :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the superb comment, strangely enough I added you to my small follow list only last night. :-)
One of the biggest reasons I had for moving here to the east, was to get away from the taxing (arseholes) government in the UK.
And it has worked out superbly so far, with me not having to pay the man tax.

I have never worked out you know, why government print it, then want it all back, control freaks? much.

Well thank you. :D

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's? I guess they're only letting us play with it for a bit. ;) Now we're creating our own money they want some more of theirs back for that too!

I have a plan, to combat that, though, you know, can not realistically say it on here.

I always have that problem, never knowing what to buy, or what I want to buy anymore. I really only worked for one reason, that was so I could buy toys, either a lot of toys, or just better toys. But I think my working years have toyed me out. Just not much out there anymore I want to buy, or need.

Maybe buy your daughter a new build it yourself doll house, or some small tools if she likes that sort of thing. Surprise the wife with a super fancy triple chocolate fudge cake if she likes deserts like that every now and then. See, it is easy to spend money, just ask people what to do with it, get a million and one ways to spend it all in one day. I know you already thought of family little surprise I love you gifts.

I spent 30 minutes on the phone to my mom, and now everything is upside down.
She has stipulated 1 thing, it must be spent on self, and for fun!.

The problem is, that selfish bastard is gone.

That makes it very hard to spend then. I am not sure I could spend that much on myself. 10 years ago, yeah no problem spending that much, I was still very much into working and toys. Today, not sure I could. maybe a new whole house stereo system that is for you but that everyone can enjoy, or god forbid that big screen tv for everyone to enjoy. (Unless it is a 3D capable screen). Ah maybe a new outdoor barbecue patio with a built in outdoor refrigerator powered by a brand new solar power set-up.

Tough call to spend it all on self, that was rather selfish of your mother and 'selfish bastard' to put that stipulation in place. Getting things for family has always been fun for me to do, and I see it as sort of for self because of the pleasure I get seeing the surprised just becauseness of the gift.You will figure something out I am sure.

I could think of a few things to do with a trillion dollars... though by the time my steem account is worth trillions it will be because fiat money has become worthless...

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thank you very much, highly appreciated indeed.