My new friend and Mark!

in life •  6 years ago 


What has that picture got to do with my post? Nothing!.

Friendship, a funny word all on it's own is it not? So when I came over here, I joined a forum, the forum was brits abroad then you choose your country. I made 1 very good friend from said site, and even took the gent to a Pink Floyd tribute band concert in Warsaw. I paid for the tickets and our hotel rooms as a treat. Unbeknown to me he arrived bearing gifts. He gave me a fantastic book About Poland, and 1 magnificent book about Pink Floyd, see below.


What does this have to do with the title? Allow me.

A few weeks ago someone contacted me via that long since forgotten forum, and asked if I am still here. Since then I have phoned him a few times and he wants to meet up locally. I will give you a little bit of the information he shared with me, only enough so you get the drift. He came over here from the UK 2 months ago, with his Polish Girlfriend of 10 years. They stopped in Warsaw, though moved closer to near where I live and where her family live 3 weeks ago. She has decided he is surplus to requirements, though he does not want to go back to the UK, and the corporate office life.

Now he is a bit of a worrier, the polar opposite to me. And he is worried about brexit and wants to stay here the legitimate way, with residence permit and all. I did say he was nothing like me did I not?.

He also wants to know where to pay tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now he really is zilch like me!

This morning luckily enough, I received a call from a local Brit called Mark. Mark wants to meet up with me again next Friday for drinks and a chat. Mark has been here 10 years, is employed as a English teacher, does have all the permits etc and even passed his driving test here. He is also always skint (no money honey) due to doing it all the right way!.

So I told Mark about the newbie, and told the newbie about Mark. Why? As I am a bad influence and will only tell him how to get around everything and be happy, I said to both of them that Mark will be the opposite to my way of thinking, so the newbie can have both perspectives and make up his own mind. Clever uh?.

The scene is now set and the three of us will meet up next Friday lunch time. I will no doubt get pissed as a fart and stop in a hotel. The two worriers can worry each other to death and I can chat up the good looking barmaids.

So there you go, what do you think of my plan Stan?.

Image pixabay.

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So there you go, what do you think of my plan Stan?

Stan would be impressed! 😎

:-) Cheers my man lol.

That's got that planned out then :)

Posted using Partiko Android

:-) Yes bro.

Sounds like they'll remain skint and your mischievous self will always be one step ahead of those right behind your

It is funny, they talk like victims yet set themselves up to be victims lol.