Trip into town to treat my daughter!

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)


The cheeky bugger in the photo or its friend.

Flew into my lounge via the open door to the balcony. It had a quick look at me and turned around, also if I did not know better I would swear it flew out in reverse. Anyway it turns out that my daughter won a regional art competition today, so to celebrate I took her out for the afternoon into town. I took the camera so I could show you around a little also.

This place is superb if you have children or grandchildren as there is a playground for them every 200 yards.


Even the dog got in on the act. It started off at 22c here at noon, though cooled down throughout the afternoon. So we went with spare clothes. I started off with just a t'shirt and ending up in a coat, well it is almost winter after all. I know it is sideways though I can not be bothered to downsize it, how about accepting larger pictures stinc? cameras are heading over 50 million pixels and steemit is stuck with year 2k size pics!


All the playgrounds or most anyway, have a adult section for free workouts. With rowing, push up, leg/hip swings etc.


That's my daughters own take on how it should be used lol. We were at this time in the old Jewish part of town, they have all left now for pastures new, mainly the USA and Israel. Their houses they left behind unsold. And a lot of them are ready to fall down, though as their name is on them, until they fall it seems they stand.



Whilst passing a church (catholic) it seemed rude not to take a pic or two, and their fascination with pagan symbols never ceases to amaze me, as the pagans were supposedly replaced with all the new fangled religions. Sun gods anyone?


Hows about some virgin Mary next to a skull?


Why she has a human skull next to her reading fodder is beyond me. I guess virgins back in the day kept skulls for fun.

There is also a lot of wooden houses in this old part of town, some abandoned like this place.



I also noted a lot of the residents in this part of town were elderly and loved gardening, though most have large nasty,angry yard dogs, so it gets noisy walking around.


They are not all wooden, most are bricks and mortar.


They seem quite into solar and wind power also, the below photo is one of the school yards lighting source.


Another standard practice is recycling, even old clothes.


The only place in the entire town with surveillance cameras are the churches and their surrounds. And the football stadium for obvious reasons, as football hooliganism here is a norm. Better there than on the street I say though.


Time to make some food for the family.

I hope you found that a little interesting, sorry about the pics, though as things improve in quality, so should stinc, and I do not have hours to find software for linux, and downsize my photos for the rest of my life.

Hope you all had a superb day like we did, catch you later on tonight.

All photos taken with Nikon d5300 and a Tamron 70 - 300mm.

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Enjoyed the photos...Interesting place, and your daughter looked so happy too. Pop must have been happy too.

A good day all round my friend, and yes she is happy in her Halloween costume :-) Glad you liked the pics.

Cool to check out a country I've not seen anything of before!
Squatters paradise there it seems,all those empty places! No need for rent just fix up a lace and move in 😁
Whaaat only cameras where trouble and theft is likely to begin?!
Jebus,I cant imagine how many there are now in uk

The UK is the single most surveiled country in the world according to stats. :-)
And yes it is a squatters delight here as there are empty properties in every single village, town and city.

I will take some pics of Lublin for you this weekend, maybe Friday even, as that is a superb medium sized town/city to photograph.

Yeh what I meant was that I havent been there for long time, and now like in my home town, there must be a camera every 3m apart.. Even 10 years ago on busstops at remote villages were cameras lol.. Oh and soon I guess will be biometric cameras and the thought police!!

Looking forward to the sightseeing !

Take a look at my last post re Birmingham :-) and yes there are cameras literally everywhere now. Strange how none are working during false flags though eh!

The thought police are also in full swing, and even getting your dog to lift a paw whilst making a joke about Jews, to make your mrs mad, almost gets you locked up, did you miss that one?

Hate crimes they call it now, just another victim less crime to add to all the others.

Communications Act
under the U.K. law.

Same old shit calling acts and statutes law..

Thats insane anyway obviously. The sad thing is that I think of often,is that my 2 nephews are growing up in all this bullcrap 😐

Yes I also have many nephews, nieces, and even 3 grown up children still there, I feel for them.

Thanks for the tour about the place amazing all those empty houses. Glad your daughter looked like she was having a good time. Hope you get some more nice days before winter sets in.

Cheers bro, and the weather forecast is more of the same for the next week at least. Perfect timing as it is holiday time here with the day of the dead tomorrow and all. :-)