Find Happiness At Your Lowest Point

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)


What is perfect is our imperfections!

Who else would cheer you up?

No one else but you! Yes you! Yourself!

Family, friends and love ones are instrument to you. To keep you going!

HE makes you stronger.

HE help you to be brave.

Even at your lowest point He is there always present.

You want to know? Okay! Let's start!

  1. You want not to wake up the next morning. Did you know that there are lots struggling ko keep them alive? Did you know there are lots who really have no chance to wake up the next day? Did you realize how your family would feel when you'll not be able to wake up the next day? Did you realize the agony they would feel without you? If you do realize you will never want not to wake up the next day, coz you know you will be happy to be with them. You are blessed being alive.

  2. You feel you are tired of your job. Did you know that there are some struggling finding a job like you? Did you know that there are some who has no job at all? What if you don't have that job, would you ever provide yourself and your family what they need? If you do realize, be thankful of the job you have. You are blessed to have a good job!

  3. You are quitting of your new venture. Did you know that you already give your all to have it? Did you know that you are almost in achieving your goal? If you do quit, all your hardwork will be useless. Why not go on?! Why not continue what you have started?! Why not declare to the universe that you can make it until the end?! Believe in yourself! You can help a lot of people with your new venture. You are blessed to be in that venture.

Be grateful and happy that you are blessed! (Note to myself!)

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Love the positive vibes. Thumbs up

Thanks Bob!

Beautiful life