Earn money online without any kind of investment……

in life •  7 years ago 

To be blunt - NO

You will either invest money or your time.

To earn online will always require some form of investment and it will be 1 of the above and most times both.

Let me give you a few suggestions which require £$0 in money but will require you to invest your time.

I wont bother mentioning the usual stuff and the same answers as below like blogging, affiliate marketing etc.

Public Domain Content.

You may have heard the term “Public Domain” before?

What does it mean exactly?

The public domain consists of all the creative works to which no exclusive intellectual property rights apply. Those rights may have expired, been forfeited, expressly waived, or may be inapplicable.

In other words, you are free to use these items and start building a very lucrative business.

You will find thousands of items that are in the public domain and that you can use to start building your online income.

These include but not limited to……..

Audio Files
Once you start looking and putting together some of these free resources you can sell them in many places.

Years ago I sold these on eBay, Amazon and even Facebook.

You will be very surprised by what you can find and then resell.

Always double check the license that comes with each item.

Here are some things people are selling right now on eBay that you can pick up for free and start selling yourself.
Best sites to find these types of products are.

Design Your Own Products:

You can start right away and it’s totally risk-free. You don’t have to pay to join or buy any stock.

First, create your design or outsource this to someone on places like Fiverr / Up work.

I have lots of different designs made up on Fiverr mainly funny Christmas style tops with animals.

Once you get your design back, head over to →www.gearbubble.com←.

Next, decide whether you want to have that design on a shirt/hat/pillow case or any of the other options available.

Then you decide how much you want to sell it for and how long to have the item listed on gear bubble.

You get a link which you can share everywhere and anywhere.

Share on facebook, Twitter, Craigs list, Gumtree and anywhere else you like.

Once someone buys your product, Gear Bubble handles the rest for you including, production, shipping, and customer service.

Gear Bubble earns a flat fee for each item that you sell.

That fee is included in the base price that you see when you upload all of your designs.

There are no hidden costs, no extra fees, and they do not take a percentage of your profit margin.

Share your knowledge – Presto Experts:

This unique service connects individuals who have questions to people who are qualified to answer them.

Here’s how it works – once you’ve completed your application and set your fees, you’ll be connected to people who need your expertise.

Answers can be delivered via live chat, email, or phone.

Once the action is completed PrestoExperts takes a percentage of the fee you charged, then pays you the rest on a monthly basis.


Product arbitrage

This is where you buy a product on one platform for x and then sell the same product on another platform for x.

There are plenty of sites you can do this with and you would be surprised at what you can find and quickly flip for a profit.

Here is an example of a custom cookie cutter selling on →www.etsy.com←


You can then find similar products on Fiverr.


So with this example you would set up a listing on Etsy selling custom cookie cutters, once you make a sale jump on Fiverr and send the order to your customer on Etsy.

This is just 1 example of flipping between Etsy and Fiverr.

There are hundreds more products you can find and this is easy to do and you can have a full shop on Etsy in a day or 2 full of products.

You can also do this from eBay/Amazon/Facebook and many more places.

It just requires a bit of time to look for products.

Hope these answers give you a few ideas.

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Hey @shouyiren, thanks for sharing! So many things out there to be happy for and about. Always keep staying positive! Thanks for a nice post! Cheers

Thank You!