Step into the vortex

in life •  8 years ago 


I am One.

I am a Thought.

I am a Vortex.

I am a map.

I am a Universe.

I am a Unity.

I am multitude of parts within Oneness.

I share myself with other unique multitudes of parts within Oneness

We influence each other

We nourish each other

We evolve with each other

We connect with each other

We create ever greater complex organisms

We digest and swallow and regurgitate and some of us are shallow

We feast upon meals from basic instincts

We feast on goodies that serve our best plans

It all depends on what I focus onWhat I dwell upon

Will I imitate those Thoughts around me

And mingle with the ocean so much that the single drop that I am

Loses its identity ?

Or will I become the most exquisite form of uniqueness that I can bring upon myself

Becoming the One I never dreamed of Being

In this most unique form and state that I feel within ?

So long will it take as it should beFor any fruit was born out of a tree

Which grew for years along autumn and spring

Losings its leaves and growing them back for free


Without any fear or doubt as of if the process is natural or not !

Why shall we not feel the same way about I, Thought ?

My mind map is a tree whose fruits bear when ready

After nourishing it with any kind of thoughtmeal

Enough emotion and mental picturing

Enough water and air for the drinking and breathing

A bit of sunshine, the fire of life, to sprout it from within

And there you reap what you sew in your environmental garden

You have a chance to taste yourself in this manner 

Have you ever looked at your garden ? Mine sure as hell isn’t looking real pretty ! 

I haven’t payed attention to it since I was a kid. 

The rosebuds be flowering, but me be computing. 

What can I see ? From reality ?

I’m just a Thought, I got caught up in wandering.

Gravity’s a bitch for us, it’s hard to bear.We have no way to know how to be aware

Of the magnificent circuit of mental-travelling machine

That’s built in our own circuitry since for evah

It’s within.

There ain’t no way to feel that with your senses.

Your fucking thoughts aren’t coming from your nose or your ears.

But what you see and touch and smell and hear, you sure as hell think about it though !

So our senses are like probes to feel the 3D reality

And get a feedback to the thoughts and emotions that we deal with within

Those can’t be looked at through a microscope, so fuck materialistic science since it’s backed by thought ! 

Thanks for the rime, that comes from the heart that shines 

Through the understanding of the power of NOW.

Then we probe the world with our senses, and we probe it with thoughts. See I’m not a thought actually. I was playing a thought, and a personnality, and we can actually do analogies like this but it’s not really the case. 

I am ME. I can only use the word ME for ME. That is what defines ME. There is what is WITHIN « ME », and WITHOUT « ME ». I am also One, which is everything within, without, and the layer between. I am also the Layer, from which I can look within and without, and strive to make my best to MAKE THEM FUSE WITH EACH OTHER. Infusing my own Uniqueness from Inside and transferring it to the Outside. It’s like a spiritual sex act. 

It’s like a breath cycle. Mingling the air from the outside with the inside, taking in all the goodies, except that in my breathing out, in my penetration from within to the outside, I bring forth Life, spermatozoons in the Ovula of Matter, the shared 3D reality where Ideas come to LIFE.

This is the Game.

Here, Ideas come to Life through the act of Unique Individualities, each picking from the Thought Realms the Ideas that One wants to transmit.Ideas themselves might pick individuals, like pets pick their future human companion. By vibration. By universal laws. By heart. By social conditionning also of course, but that ain’t my focus. We leave in a magical place. 

The evolution of the whole cosmos takes place in our own body, mind and soul.

Us Being here is of Primordial Importance for Every One. 

Everything has the necessity to Be as it IS, and You Evolve by the use of Free Will to the most Unique expression of the At-All-Times Perfect expression of You, encompassing All Polarities of Existence in the Light of Love and Truth, reconciling the paradoxes and marrying the opposite, making place for the One who Dreamt being You to Remember his Dream in each moment ! 

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