RE: Elections in the blockchain: whether the vote without ballot box stuffing and fraud?

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Elections in the blockchain: whether the vote without ballot box stuffing and fraud?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Amazingly written text. Id just suggest you try and use some references when doing a piece like this. It would add to the overall professionalism of your writing. And a few more photos. But all aside, really well written. :D

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Basically, I translate information from Russian-language sources. In the future I will try to add articles from English-language sources

Well you translate well but still, references even to the Russian language sites help. As a curator i like seeing as much original content as possible with personal opinions about topics as well as well referenced posts with info-graphics. I will be checking your content from time to time and i hope to see you up your game even further. So far what im seeing is very good. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your professional opinion. I will try to add in future articles more links to sources and photos on the chosen topic. Thanks again

I would recommend reading up on Curie guidelines. Not only for the large upvote but to further help you increase the quality of your posts. Ill leave a link here.

"However, there are many obstacles to the introduction of blockchain into the Russian electoral system. And the most obvious of them may be that many potential voters, especially those of old age, may find it difficult to learn a new method of voting".

Actually Polys has also developed a solution for the elderly and those less familiar with IT technologies — mixed online/offline voting using unique codes. Voters receive the relevant codes in print or some other format and can then vote on a public computer or their own device and all votes will be given into a blockchain. Learn more at: