How to tap into synchronicity, it's easier than you think.

in life •  6 years ago 

Today I woke up with a song in my head that I haven't thought about since I was a kid watching some animated movie in my classroom around Christmas time (I wish I remembered that movie, some kind of dark Christmas theme with jack frost).

I had no idea what the words were to this song I simply had the chorus of "Sail away, Sail away, Sail away"going full blast through my mind melon and I was into it.

Now i'm SURE you have all had a similar occurrence like this either often or rarely but have you actually ever viewed it as a doorway to your subconscious or a synchronistic event leading to your highest excitement ready to be unpacked?

I DO, and it goes a little something like this...

Starting with a "random"song in my head I notice first if there are lyrics I am chanting over and over (usually yes)
and I start from there in the unpacking. Are those lyrics relevant to anything going on in my life right meow or is there a feeling that is stirred up in me as I hum this tune? "Sail away, Sail away, Sail away"and the feeling is uplifting like I want to burst out of my body!

I almost always follow up when this happens by listening to the song and today my internet is pretty good (It's Peru man) so I played it on youtube and the stream I selected had lyrics and a fan had added pictures...I actually knew zero of the lyrics just the chorus of this song but interesting things are unpacking as I listen and watch, I'm caught by the words "Let me reach, let beach far beyond the yellow sea and this picture shows up...

annd if I take the trouble to look 2 inches above my keyboard which I did I am looking at this...

Sail away Sail away Sail away!

At this point I'm ready to jump in a boat and sail away but I'm a bit of a chimp (primate) at this stuff so I put the brakes on for a second and keep listening "From Peru to Cebu, feel the power of babylon" yup I'm in Peru, never heard of Cebu am I going there? feel the power of Babylon that could get cryptic because things are sometimes literal with this stuff but often they aren't like I might immediately think of going to this place Cebu but feel an urge to research quickly about Babylon first and that's actually the next lead that further unpacks this adventure.

I am writing you from this point I have taken it no further yet but I wish to express that this is happening in your life right meow whether you pay attention or not, if you do pay attention you can have these wonderful adventures all the time and if you don't that's ok too but try it once or twice and I promise you'll get hooked and never forget it's just sitting there waiting for you to tune into it at any moment!

Would love to hear if anybody else has had these kinds of experiences and followed through with unpacking it!


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hey man, yeah for sure .. if we actually pay attention, there is a lot that we are being told - if only we would pay attention .. after aya in peru, we toured the country for a month and there were so many signs that it just blew our minds .. amazing stuff .. just open your mind, listen and look at what the universe is trying to tell you every day!