Failure or A Divine Message?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Sometimes life happens. Yes, and sometimes it happens hard. We are hit with unforeseen consequences that force us into situations where we see no way out.

We are ready to give up. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. But wait a minute, life still goes on. "The earth is still here and yes I'm still standing on it and breathing."

At these times when it feels as if the whole world, or the universe is against us. We think we've failed. We've failed our business, our friends, our family and ourselves. Whatever it might be. Nothing works out the way we had anticipated.


And yes, sometimes it was a choice or an action of ours that created a reaction and it seemingly was for the worse at the time.

Failure...or NOT

But if we are an ever- evolving species where our souls and spirits need to evolve and learn and grow then failure is imminent. Failure is nothing but a stepping stone. It's a learning curve. As my wise guru, once told me when I thought I had failed or did something wrong, "It's not wrong, just long."

In my short years I've been on earth I've learned some very valuable lessons. And yes, there were times of depression and low times and I've managed to coach myself back out. In a sense, it has made my spirit and foundation really strong to a point if these times hit me again, the time that it takes to crawl out becomes shorter and shorter and now these times hardly exist, even though the external situation might not be that favorable.

Hard times are really here to "make you or break you". I personally think that some souls have a greater responsibility on earth and they came here to do specific things. Those souls sometimes get lost in the low dense and frequency of the lower dimensional plane where physicality exists. That is when they're greater and higher self steps in and tries to guide them or "nudge" them in the right direction.

At first there are the "knocks". The small telltale signs that say, "Heads up this is not a very optimal path your heading down.. remember what you're here to do." You might get an eerie feeling or the hairs standing up on the back of your neck or your stomach won't feel that good. It's the 6th sense kicking in.

But we do have free choice... and it's human nature to push our boundaries.

Then comes the "hard slaps". Now the path has led to you being captured by an angry mob of canibals.

Now we know that only happens in movies but you get idea. It's a metaphor.

Life does have a strange way of playing out and showing us signs especially if we let our ego overrule our sense of discernment in choosing what's best for us.

And since most messages received from our higher self don't use words or languages that much, its messages come in signs and symbols or circumstances.

It might be as simple as a headache after you eat something. The message would be to "change your diet". Or "Don't eat that".

Not Wrong, Just Long

Since time for us on earth is short the human species has evolved and developed many things that make our world operate at a much faster pace and frees up time for ourselves.

But if we keep making the same mistakes and getting into the same situations, we are missing the message and seemingly wasting time.

At that point it's Important to shed our ego, stop the voices in our head (also the ones coming out of our mouths) and LISTEN! Really listen. To your body, to your discomforts, to your Soul and what needs to be addressed, changed or brought forth.

You might have to start shedding useless information, belief systems, ideas or thoughts to get to the core of what is trying to come through. (Meditation can be a powerful tool for this. )

At this time you might become more aware of the discomforts in your body or they might just leave as you start shedding...


Never Give Up...on yourself

Let's say you had a business. That business was everything to you. You live, breathe, and eat your business. Your business IS you and that's all you know. Then some big corporation comes and buys you out. You have no choice because the other guy has a lot more money and bigger guns. Your whole life-works goes down the drain.

You are crushed!! You feel like a failure!!! Especially since you didn't even put up a fight. You give up.

Here's an important point to address.

Failure is not a tattoo, it's a bruise

Failure happens, it's actually necessary sometimes for bigger things to happen. Failure is a change for us to change, grow and learn. It's not something to be feared.

If a child falls down when it tries to walk. It doesn't say, "that's it I give up!" No, it tries and tries until it has mastered walking.

Theres an idea that you don't fail until you give up. And that idea is half true. It is missing a very important part...

"You don't fail until you give up on YOURSELF "

That is key. YOURSELF

Giving up on fighting for your business is one thing and it might be a blessing in disguise (even you don't perceive it as such at the time). But giving up on yourself is something that should not be taken lightly.

As soon as you give up on yourself. Growth, opportunities, creativity stops. You live out the rest of your life living in the past with all sorts of regrets.

Don't get me wrong we all want easier and happier lives but in reality we weren't born to follow the same path. And let's face it, nor are we born equal (as so many would suggest). We are all born unique with different interests and talents. We we were all born with a piece of the pie. Diversity is what earth is about. Using that diversity in a constructive and unifying way completes the circle. That is why it is so vitally important to never compare yourself with others or try to be someone your not.

The only time you should compare yourself with anything or anyone, Is yourself- your past self and the progress you've made.

Am i a better person? Did I handle this or that situation with grace? Did I let my anger get the best of me? Am I happier? Was I able to control my binges? Did I think happier thoughts today?

No matter your situation, start building yourself up, then once your cup runneth over then you have so much to give to humanity. There's always something you can offer to someone in need.


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