
in life •  7 years ago 

Maybe it's because this week was the hottest week of the Summer here in my area and I couldn't stay out of my home as usual, maybe I have less energy than usual or maybe there are some reasons that now are not clear for me,  but I'm thinking about my contents and I'm not totally satisfied by them. I'm coming to explain why I'm not so satisfied:

usually I share contents about some specific themes like my artworks and what inspiring my art. Sometimes I share what happens in my city (like the Renaissance Parade in the July 25) or something funny/happy happened to me. I always try to share something that make me smile, because yes, I'm a smiling person for the most part of the time. 

Sometimes I think it's not enough, because I'm a smiling person, sure, but I'm not "just" a smiling person. One of the reason that make me love so much to work in the art field is the opportunity to represent "my world apart", that utopian world  where every bad thought can become a nice thought, where the houses have 4 legs and a couple of strange eyes, where there are some little rounded-head man who are a mix between something nice and something scary. The life is something nice and something scary at the same time. People can have a nice smile and a dark side inside at the same time. It's common, it's the human nature.

Everyone of us knows that people can love more our "smiling face" than our dark side and we think people loves us much more if we say/write something nice to them. It's more difficult to talk about something different, something that not everyone can understand or "approve". Yes, many of us love to say we are open minded, but sometimes "open minded" are just a couple of words that we love to say to make better than what we are. Because of this (and it's my limit, especially online where non verbal communication doesn't exist) and because I feel the need to exchange nice words each others, I always try to share something positive/nice/neutral. 

My deep side (that not always is a dark side ^_^) is in the shadow. In the last months I'm thinking that to know better my thoughts, not just the "smiling" thoughts, can be useful to know better my work on art or simply to know better the person (me) behind the nickname. It will be not so simple for me, because I'm a person who don't love so much share my deep thoughts online (I talk about them just with few of my best friends who knows my story), but I think it can be useful for my work too. 

It will be cathartic for me and I think it's time to do something really cathartic for me.

Well, I'll try do wrote something more about myself in the next days, I could do it using some paintings too (yes, my artworks help me doing this, like the previous pic that I did a couple of years ago).

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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Hello Sivia,

Your thoughts are very interesting. I also believe that i am for most part of my life always giving a positive, inspiring and uplifting mood. I think that we can help each other at least a little bit, to be happy and enjoy their life more. Your images is really cool ;)

Have a great day! Upvote and Followed!

Thanks for you words, @algenisfig :)

I mostly share my thoughts on the blockchain, writing down the stuff we think actually makes it easier for us to deal with emotions or just thoughts in general! At least it does to me!

Don't Think about in your life. You'll be amazed at the outcome!
come on..give us the creative art work

What's that pic really confused?

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