FREE Energy-N. Tesla-The Pyramids Of Power ~

in life •  6 years ago 

Pyramids can be found throughout the "World". Even off. Or as they say.."Out of this world". Found throughout the planetary arrangement. Let's go out on a limb and say that as humanity progresses it devolves, instead of evolves. Meaning instead of advancing in brain usage throughout humanity, it diminishes. Just like told to humanity in parable when the eye of Horus was damaged it caused diminishment among his seeds. The smartest genius alive today would not be as genuinely smart as a newborn child in its first few minutes because it knows absolutely no divisions to decipher. 0. Meaning everything is exactly the same and perfectly equal thus holding the answer to all things simutaniously before the first known division. Which is on average the male/female domination voice patterns. So, before diminishing throughout the evolutionary process backwards cultures harnessed concepts we today in humanity simply cannot fathom in diverse complexity. It's very easy to see when you look at the pattern of the pyramids here on "Earth" and across the "Stars" from a big box perspective to see that they were tools. The Pyramids in their genius structure were built to generate power planet wide in a system that worked together powered by almost every natural element known to generate electricity/power. From the lower levels where water ran through channels, to specific metals being used to harness and conduct, to very advanced chemical compounds that once coated the outer layer to produce solar powers. This is the very same concept Nichola Tesla tried to tell humanity and bring into civilization about FREE Energy. And why he was killed. He understood the simple concepts of the Ancient Egyptians. However, it seemed to be more important to those in charge that humanity was enslaved and controlled by partial means of nuclear energy. Don't pay your power bill, you'll freeze to death. They don't care. Tesla did. So all of you do yourself a favor and understand properly the message he was trying to send about Free Energy and true Freedom. Stop playing slave puppet. Thanks.

Sincerely, Sinners Theory ~maxresdefault (1).jpg

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We have a lot to learn about Tesla's work and the pyramids. I recently read Graham Hancock's book Fingerprints Of The Gods a real eye opener 💯🐒