As I lay resting lost in an ocean of dreams I designed, a sudden sound woke me. By the time I adjusted and got my bearings straight as you say the disturbance had seemed to pass. Or, so I thought. At that very moment in the middle of my contemplation with my own imagination, a curling scream rest upon my newly wakened ears. Had this been the very sound that awoke me? Again my imagination took the best of me. For I knew well what time was upon mankind. I paused for a moment lost heavily in my thoughts. I quickly came to my senses when again I heard screaming. Closer was this sound that was shaking me to my core! The sound echoed as every soul within me now stirred. I was not one to interfere with mans affairs. However, by 1000 souls this noise must be stopped! My blade at my side I drew towards the door careful to what my weary eyes might witness. Ready was I. Oh, ready I was. My every passion connected to the cleansing that was soon to come. Was this it?... I opened the door ever so slightly. Enough not, for even a sheet of paper that may desire to pass. But enough for my eye to see what dangers may be upon the very steps of my resting place. Instantly I see a woman, of white hair and frail in stature. Alone she stood in the street gazing at the sky. Frozen with fear, she could not even scream again! A shadow painted the whole of the land. An eclipse? I opened the door now wider as I saw no threat in her fear of the sky. With her attention taken surely the harm was not to thine own path. Gently as not to startle her I said, "My Lady, what fears thee so as to wake me from my slumber with such a fearful cry? Art thou in despair that I may assist?" Not one word did she respond. Not one muscle did she move. Petrified was her soul by what her unbelieving eyes gazed upon. Careful. Fear now filled the opening where I stood. That awful smell. That stench that drives men to insanity. I could, and have endured much. But this...this fear. I cannot take one more moment of this diminishing scent. I stepped out making haste as to get to the bottom of this. As I took one step toward her I too froze. The earth below me started to shake. Rumbling I could now hear in the faint distance. My attention now directed away from the woman that drew me from my rest. The souls within me cried, something much bigger was upon the face of us now. I ran back inside to grab my sheath, and a few rations I had packed away in a satchel. The ground now shaking violently as mother nature proclaimed her dissatisfaction to the human virus that hath withered and choked her very veins. She speaks! I now know without eyes what caused such horrid fear into the woman aged of white! That voice I know well. My ears hath heard her cries before. With all before me I brace. Exciting are these times we live in! With my blade at my side and satchel about my shoulder I made haste. Past the woman aged of white I flew. In fear she still stood frozen. I gazed to my side to see her view as I hurried past. Alas, her demon rest upon both my eyes! The energy rushed through my veins. Never had even I witnessed such a glorious, megalithic splendor! At that moment I forced to pause. Unwillingly did my entire body cease to hear it's masters commands. A second rush came over me. Through my veins, through that very soil came she. Welcome, woman aged of white. Petrified with fear the old woman died where she stood gazing upon that wall unfathomable. For there before her very eyes stood a wall of water, 5000 feet in stature, blotting out the sun. With it carried vast amounts of creation swirling in ruin. Unlocked now were my legs, and with the stench of fear world's away I was now in my right mind. And just in time...the wave that draws upon these lands has no end, and seems to touch the very limits of our atmosphere. To the gate I go. At the gate I now stand. I turn behind me to witness this newfound anomaly once again. A whisper from my lips I release. "Mother, send them to me. I'm ready." Through the gate I pass.
By: Sinners Theory ~