Slay King!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Its a rainy and cold morning, I am sure the meteorological department is busy calling for strategy meetings because this caught them off guard. Some things are hard to predict so we just going to let them off with #smh gesture. In terms weather, God is in control and we always say thank you for rain. Rain as it is said is a promise of regrowth!

Lets break the ice and just have some little positive fun, shall we? We spoke about a slay queen on our earlier post in her natural habitat and the behaviour she possess and had a bit of fun!

Photo circulating on WhatsApp

Well there exist an opposite and equivalent male version of a slay queen that is called the Slay King. Lets look and dissect several of those characters and today.

1.The Fisi (hyena)
This name has gained a lot of traction lately, its a name synonymous with the behaviour and character of men who symbolises what a hyena is in the wild - cowardly and timid, they like a pack of wild hyenas will not let a lady walk or pass in peace - the jeers and cat calls always frightening the lady to bolt in saftey.

The greed they exhibit is out of this world! They like, hyenas are natural scavengers - jumping from women to women, they sit in groups chewing khat, talking about imaginary stuff as they lay in wait for easy prey to pass by. They will pounce when given a chance.

Team fisi as is commonly reffered is a natural and sworn enemy for the team sponsors (now this is another type of sly kings only older and in their prime that prey on young girls). They blame the sponsors for their lack of skills to get girls. They blame the government for the predicament they get themselve in, for being idle and lacking employment opportunities!

2.Team sponsors

Own picture taken @theparknairobi

Team sponsor comprises of the senior citizens - these lot has completed and accomplished alot in life. He probably has a team fisi son who has finished college, is jobless and leaves in his servant quarters!
He has a few investments that brings in a sizeable income and his mid life crisis is almost at boiling points, he is frequent buyer for the blue pill and has made a few discoveries in life ÷

A) eating healthy and going to the gym
B) new fashion (clothes and colognes)
C) and young girls old enough to be his daughters

And so he looks and grooms good, has extra pocket change to treat a girl out to a nice club and buy exquisite drinks that the sly queen will not even be able to pronounce. The girl will experience exotic destination all courtesy of the the sponsor, he will hump and jump and later on dump the girl for a younger one - making it a cycle and further existence of the team fisi!
Team sponsor always tucks away the slay queen in a some few roomed house miles away from preying eyes.

3.Ben 10

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Ben 10 is an animated character that transforms into many superheroes when he presses his watch.
In this case, our ben 10 is a young man in his prime who is easy on the eye and therefore chooses to engage himself with an older woman of his mother's time for material gain! His only role in that awkward relationship is to provide his stamina to the sexually starved and charged lustful womam commonly known as a milf.
The young lad sometimes in his early teens to late 20s - trades in his youth, looks and energy for small favours ranging from clothes to motorbikes.
This goes on until the vigour runs out when the exit sign on the door becomes as clear as day!. He like all that finds themselves in that predicament is kicked out for another candidate robust enough to put out the raging woman's fire!

4.The dead men

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These are not exactly slay kings but if a slay king is not careful this then becames his fate! A dead man!!

A dead man is an otherwise young and healthy man who has lost all hope in life and resulted to drinking. He can be found in various city Estates cheap drinking dens with all the symptoms of an alcoholic. He seats lazily around waiting on strangers to beg for a little pocket change. He eats from the dustbin and never bathes. His only purpose in life is to get high by whatever means necessary including injecting his body with hard core drugs!

A dead man in most cases is from a well of family and his behaviour is rebellious. He was a loved that received all attention, child that got everything in life and was never disciplined. As a result, felt like the world owed him, thought that he was a gift to mankind. He felt entitled in life. Then as they say - "life happened"


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Hahahaha. Puting some men in the classes provided here. Too funny.

I tell you!

Haha! Slay kings are the ones who say, " You guy! my guy! Si last week we went to Naivasha and we lewad! Boss!"

Hahahahaha.... Seems like you got some experience with these dudes.

Haha I tell you @mutitum . I can't deal


Haha, where will the 'xaxa' kinda guys be classified?

Hehe those don't even deserve a thought!

Haha post made my evening. So legit! You did such a good job with the images, too 😂😂