Down The Rabbit Hole Called my Mind - !WARNING! - Use The Mute Button!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you are the type of person that feels the need to flag something because you disagree with it MUTE ME!If you use the flag for any reason that is not copypasta and or child porn then mute me and do NOT read on! If you get offended by opinions you don't agree with and then think its ok to flag, MUTE ME!

I will offend everyone sooner or later so if you use the flag, mute me and leave! I would rather you not read this and save me the hastle of dealing with bullshit.

To all the people that can handle differing opinions and even stuff that is so over the top crazy offencive that its funny....

Welcome and thank you for coming!

We are living in a crazy world but I don't need to tell you that, you're still reading so you already know. Shit is so warped that people don't seem to know up from down anymore.

The last weekend there has been a lot going on and at first I think things are going in the right direction, then I second think myself and wonder if it was just two steps back.

What the fuck is wrong with us?

This antifa thing is getting out of hand, im not just talking about the violence im talking about the frame of mind. when I think about what all these people say they stand for I then think of the past and wonder if they lost their memorys or maybe didn't learn anything n school.

The lines are so crossed I cant tell what is what anymore, it all looks and sounds like shit to me.

Cynical Asshole Is my new name, skeptic was nice to grab when the site was new. Reality fit at the time shit was going down but now, it all looks like shit, sounds like shit, just one big shit sandwich.

I'm kind of stuck on membe berries, or member from thunderdome.

member this?

Islam and Nazis Are The Same! Wipe The Jews Off The Planet!

Member this?

Mao and communism has killed way more!

So now in this day and age we have this!

fucking commies saying they are fighting Nazis but at the same time supporting islam (Nazis) and communisim saying that the Nazis are the problem when the Nazi party was knocked out in like 1944 or something.

We also have a bad case of this.

Just pure bullshit! look at this quran verse

So0 feminist of mohammad to wait till his 6year old bride was 9 to rape her wasent it?

Do you not see how they are all phonys?
I don't want to sound like catcher in the rye but I start to feel that way.

The biggest problem have with everything is this idea that words are violence.
If that is something you think is true you need to go to the doctor because you have a metal handicap.
violence is physical, words are just ideas.
To say because someone used a word you don't like is the same as abuse, violence, hate and all the other stupid things people say is just pathetic at its best.

This censorship ordeal online is getting out of hand. people instantly claiming everything they disagree with is hate speech or offencive or abuse ect ect
There is no reason besides child porn to be trying to censor anything. counter information is the answer not censorship.

The antifa getting called a terrorist group at first sounded like a good thing. nnow I am having second thoughts about it.
Has antifa become a vague term that can be used for anyone?
With the new laws where the cops can have military equipment and this classifiying antifa as terrorists to me is now looking like martial law in the works to fight "terrorism" with a vague term as antifa that I can see being used for anyne that doesn't agree with what ever the status quoe is at the time.

expect this comin to your neighbors house when they say they disagree with something the government did and then getting labeled as antifa.

The Extreme Right and Left seem to want the same thing. More government control over shit.

Everyone is getting offended b everything, What the fuck happened to us?

This whole idea that you have to be on one side or the other is getting out of hand. Everyones political values are getting warped because they say they support this group or that groupe and then later they find out the truth of that this group stands for ______ and oops, its to late cause you are already part of them and supporting them.

Im just sick of all the bullshit and to be honest I cant even get it all out because I get sidetracked.

My stance on all the shit has not changed, its crazy but true.

Burry your fucking guns and ammo, Store non parashable foods and learn to become self sufficient. Get the fuck out of big citys. you can not expect the government to save your ass. if you can store some gold or silver, I know bitcoins are great but if there is no power you are shit out of luck stock a bit. learn to garden and live off the land.

Shit is escalating and fast. If you are not on a side start prepping to deal with the shit coming.

With the North Korea ordeal going on, on top of our own left right side bullshit things are about to get rough.

I epect everyone to start dumping the dollar, then the government stepping in to try to fix that.
the petro dollar is control of the world, not something that people in power will give up easily.
Expect bitcoin to get attacked as an attempt to control the worlds currency.
currency not money.

We have been living in a world of gluten., that can not last forever. we have been spoiled to the point where not eating steak and lobster every night is looked down on.

IDK anymore, shit is so crazy I cant tell who is in the right and who is in the wrong anymore. Or if anyone is in the right anymore even.

will WW3 be the goverments answer to economic collapse? Or maybe a civil war?

Think we have both about to happen. Nk needs to be shut down but at what cost?
Flood NK with information so the people of North Korea can wake up and deal with their own country.

Violence in this day and age is nothing but taking steps backwards.

Hope the best for everyone and steem on!

Almost positive numbers!!! yeah yeah!!!!
soon ima get my upvote on!

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Love a bit of controversy, gonna follow for more. I think its essential to have your views challenged otherwise how the hell do you know what you believe in?!

Thanks, im sure I will bring the contravorsey.

Interesting. . Like it.. your on my follow list..

Thank you!
I really appericate the comment!
the upvote too, lol