Taking a break...

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

 Not often a conversation we have, but one we definitely should. As much as I subscribe to the idea of being a hard worker, of waking up every single day attempting to grip your purpose with both fits. I am also one to say that taking a break every now and then is equally as important. 

 We can't keep ourselves engaged in intensity all the time, and if we do, we might stop being as efficient. Who has not been there? Attempting to solve an issue, remember something and only just sitting there confused, paralyzed. I happen to think this might be our body telling us something, a message we would be smart to listen.Changing our environment from time to time has other unintended benefits. It allows us to have a different perspective, and sometimes through that process we actually find solutions to our most difficult problems. Regardless of what name you prefer, whether you call it decompressing, detoxing, etc we all have the need to take a break.This is not news by the way, this is not a revelation that should be published in a medical journal, this is just something we ignore often and I find it useful to be a voice of balance on the subject.If you've worked all week, if you've given it your all... take a break, go outside, work on the yard, take a walk on the beach, it does not have to be an expensive activity, it just has to a re-connection to the simple. You will thank yourself afterwards, I promise.Hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday... 


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