DID YOU KNOW THAT ..... Part 1

in life •  5 years ago 


We all have been in places and situations where conversation all of a sudden stucks. Most times followed by a deafening and uncomfortable silence.
It can be in a waiting room, at the dinner table and even at a party.
In these, or similar kind of cases, it's handy to have an icebreaker to break those silences.

Useless facts and subjects for small talk.

Here we go!

  • A goldfish has a memory that lasts only three seconds.

  • Eating in restaurants, on average we consume 12 pubic hairs every year.

  • Turtles can breathe through their butts.

  • A rat's teeth grow about 6 inches in a year.

  • The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

  • Ants always fall on their right side if they get drunk.

  • No paper can be folded in half, more than 7 times.

  • A cow burps every 40 seconds.

  • Many hamsters blink only one eye at a time.

  • In one year we swallow 14 bugs in our sleep.

  • The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.

  • On average an adult laughs 15 times a day, a baby 400 times a day.

  • You share the same birthday with 9 million other people.

  • 50% of all bank robberies are done on Fridays.





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LOL those awkward moment can be fixed by looking at our smartphones @smasssh :P
I just fckn stare blank at nowhere.

You're absolutely right man.
I bet there are even people who desperately hope for those silences, just to have some time to check their phone ...

Actually, I think I saw a video on the YouTube's where some Maddie's folded a piece of player more than seven times!!

Silly ants. Lol

Seen it too. It's possible with very large paper. But tried it with A4 myself. And after 6 times folding, the 7th can't be really called a folded paper.

And yeah those ants; not always 'busy busy busy' so it seems ...

Haha, yeah, that's the one. I have only ever managed nearly 6 myself!

Thanks for this list of icebreakers. Some might be fun facts to mention at the BBQ tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!

Have a fun BBQ then, but watch out for those ants ..., put them on short rations!

Thanks! Will watch out for those little creatures. :-)

Ants always fall on their right side if they get drunk.

Hahahaha...really now?

Am checking it right now.


Hahahahahaha...I am folded right now....

sum up; your hanging wizz da wrong crowd


Drunken ants at a party can nevertheless be very amusing ...

aw remind me to give you a antfarm, if that now will keep you amused ^^ ;)

i am intrigued by the dentist inventing the electrical chair :DDD

'that will teach you from kicking me while pulling your teeth!'

fire up that grill dude...bbq season is opened

Maybe he invented the thing to have an alternative way of drilling that tooth. Turn on the chair, let the patient shake and put the drill in his mouth without even turning it on. Piece of cake I would say.

In one year we swallow 14 bugs in our sleep.

I believe very much that this one will come in handy someday...lol Thanks Smasssh to the rescue

Who knows, time will tell. Still, according to the comments sofar, the drunken ants seem the most popular subject.

if you can double your money every day, starting with 1 (€ or $), you wil be a billionaire in only 1 month...

I know that principle. But if I look around me, I don't know a lot of people who managed to do so yet.

Het is dan ook maar een theorie... Iets dat ze ge/mis-bruiken om kettingbrieven en idem dito mails geloofwaardig te maken...

So I shared birthday date with 9 million other people

I guess so. Anyway, congratulations to you and the other 9 million then.

'Eating in restaurants, on average we consume 12 pubic hairs every year.

Which a fetishist has to pay extra for I presume?

Nice ice breakers
